The one where they're married

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Emma's pov
2 months later

Dylan and I were now married. 2 weeks ago we signed our marriage papers, making it official since we didn't want a big wedding. Cole and lily got married today. The wedding finished a few hours ago and now we were all at the after party at Sophie and Keefe's house.

Dylan came up to me with our 4 month old daughter in his arms. He looked so handsome in a suit.

"Cmon. Cole and Lils are leaving for their honeymoon in a few minutes." He told me, giving me a small smile.

Cole and lily going away for a month was a big deal for Dylan. He and Cole had never been separated for more than 8 days straight in their entire life. I don't actually know how he was going to survive a month without his twin.

I went to walk with him to the front doors so we could say goodbye. I rubbed his back as we walked while holding his arm with my other hand.

We went to stand on the porch, the whole front of the house crowded with all our friends and families. All the councilors, elwin, Ori, mom, dad, and all our friends standing there with smiles.

Cole and lily were at the end of the steps of the porch. Sophie took rose from Dylan's arms as we walked down the porch.

"Dylan!" Cole yelled with a smile from where he stood with lily, who was clutching his arm.

"Cole!" Dylan exclaimed, running down the steps and tackling Cole in a hug.

Lily let go of Cole with a laugh and came to hug me. We watched with smiles as the twins hugged tightly, not seeming to want to let go.

"I'm gonna miss you." Cole sniffled as they let go.

"Me too." Dylan sighed.

Then I went and hugged my best friend. I wrapped my arms around Cole's waist and hugged him close to me as Dylan and lily hugged beside us.

"Congratulations." I smiled at Cole, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Have fun." Dylan grinned at lily, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"I will." Lily rolled her eyes with a smile towards Cole.

Everyone cheered as Cole and lily held their pathfinder up to the light, letting it shine bright in the moonlight.

"Bye everyone!" Lily smiled as she held Cole's hand.

"You better bring back my brother." Dylan mumbled and she laughed.

They glittered away to their honeymoon, leaving us to cry with happiness.

A month later Cole and lily were back from their honeymoon.

A year and a half later, close to Rosalie's 1st birthday

Emma's pov

I woke up early morning. It was around 7am. I stretched my body out, feeling cramped. I was laying on my side of the bed, facing Dylan and rose. He was sleeping on his side of the bed on his back. Rose laying on his stomach, her cheek pressed against his bare chest. He looked adorable. His hair chaotic and messy, sticking up on some sides. His face was peaceful, his body relaxed. He had his arms wrapped around rose gently but protectively. Rose had one thumb in her mouth and one on Dylan's neck, holding him to her, in a way. Her hair was in between the light brown mixed into Dylan's blond and my dark brown, but was more on the darkish side. Her hair was wavy like mine and the small amount of hair she had was as messy as her fathers', but in a tiny ponytail. Rosalie was one and a half years old now. She was beautiful.

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