Thunderstorms can't hurt you

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The thunder boomed outside. A quivering duckling hid underneath his blankets. Every time a clap of thunder was heard, he uttered a squeaky yelp.

"Has anyone seen Louie?" Frida called out. "His phone charger is out here."

"I think he's still in bed," someone else's voice said.

"Is he sick?"

"I don't think so."

Louie heard two sets of footsteps running up the stairs until they stopped a few feet away. He uncovered his face a little and noticed that his mom and Frida were trying to through the door at the same time. They gave each other angry looks.

"He's my nephew," Frida said.

"He's my son," Della said.

Frida moved back, allowing Della to go in first. Della came to Louie's side.

"Baby, are you sick or hurt?" she asked.


"Then, what's wrong?"

A clap of thunder resonated, and Louie gave a startled yelp.

"Oh, you're afraid of thunderstorms," Della said. "You poor thing."

She hugged her youngest son, who was shaking with fear.

"You know, Donald and I used to be afraid of thunderstorms, too. But then, we would have Uncle Scrooge sit beside us and give us a hug. I think a hug is what you need right now."

Louie crawled out from under his blanket and hugged Della back. When more thunder came, his grip on her tightened momentarily.

Frida came to his side as well. She ran her fingers through his hair, and let her magic calm him down.

Louie felt a whole lot better. Even as more thunder boomed, he wasn't startled.

Because he was surrounded by love from his aunt and mom.

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