Decades from now

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"And if you look here, this is a painting of one of the owners of McDuck Enterprises," the tour guide said. "Llewellyn Duck. It's been said that he died of a heart attack, but we really don't know if that's accurate since he's been dead for a long time. Towards the end of his life, it is written that he developed severe depression."

Fauna looked at the painting of Llewellyn. She knew that he had definitely died of a heart attack, for she did lots of research and had found the actual records reporting his death. But, she didn't like saying what she knew out loud; she was often teased for 'being a nerd.'

She looked behind her and noticed the rest of the group had already gone on without her, and she had no idea where they had gone. Since she was alone, she reached into her book bag and pulled out a glass orb. She tapped on the glass once and the face of a duckling slightly younger than she was appeared.

"Fauna, I told you not to talk to me out in public," he said angrily.

"There's no one else but me. I swear."

"Okay, then what is it?"

Fauna turned the orb towards the painting, so the duckling could see.

"Do you recognize him?" she asked.

"I...I do, actually."

"Really? You've seen him before? How? You lived in the 1400's, back when Columbus sailed."

"I met him in this same form. He had brothers, too...Dewey and Huey. It turned out I was a distant relative of their great-uncle."

"You're related to him?"

"Distantly related, yes. You're still doing research on this family?"

"Yes, I am, Phineas. I want to know everything. I mean, every adventurer has got to know other adventurers before them, right?"

Phineas frowned and he disappeared for the time being. Fauna put his orb back into her bag and searched the exhibit for any other things regarding the Duck/McDuck family. She picked up a dusty journal with the name 'D. Duck.' She opened it up and read one of the entries:

1:37 pm. I feel sick today, and I don't know why. My stomach aches every day, and I think Uncle Scrooge is worried. Emmett doesn't seem bothered, though; he tells me it's probably something I ate.

5:26 pm. Oh god, just found out I'm why I'm feeling sick: I'm going to be a mom to three beautiful baby boys!


Fauna figured that this D. Duck was the mother of Llewellyn and his brothers; her books did say that Llewellyn was the youngest in a set of triplets.

"Fauna Summers, where are you?!" Fauna's teacher called out.

Fauna put the journal back and ran back to the group; she could get more information tomorrow...

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