Hold up, this is Le Tag...

65 4 4

Screw it, I guess I'm trying this now...

1. Weird fact: I don't really know.

2. Fave food: There's a lot of foods I like, and I can barely choose just one.

3. First fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog. I still kinda like it, I just don't go crazy about it.

4. Best friends:

@sm0l_fedora (who's a real-life friend as well)




Maybe a few others, I really don't know...

5. Current lock screen: I don't really have lock screens, but my computer BG is a drawing of Della sleeping with the triplets.

6. Fave OTP: Dewey x Webby, no doubt.

7. Birthday: January 2.

8. Five fears:

-Currently catching coronavirus

-Getting hacked

-Winding up with either a mental disorder or diabetes later in life

-Flopping college

-Dying young

9. What you look like: Shoulder-length black hair, glasses, 5'2", kinda thin, brown eyes.

10. Fave song: Otherside (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

11. Why you made account: Because it was recommended to me by a friend.

12. Fave character of all time: It's hard to choose one; I love all the triplets, Webby, Della, Donald, and Scrooge.

13. Fave accounts to tag: I don't know, I'll figure it out later...

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