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Donald had looked away for one second, and the next thing he knew, the boys had gotten into the box of chocolates he had received from the Windham family.

"Boys, you should know better than to have sweets before dinner," he said sternly.

"We were hungry," Dewey said.

"That's not what you should be eating. You should've asked for some sort of small snack. Instead, you ate 3/4 of my chocolate. And there were a lot of chocolates in here."

"Huey ate most of them," Louie said.

"I highly doubt it."

However, just looking at Huey told Donald that Louie was definitely telling the truth this time; Huey was breathing a little too fast, he was tapping his foot, and fidgeting around with his hands.

Donald knew that almost any amount of sugar made him extremely hyperactive and unable to sit still. It was one reason why all the sweets were kept away from any of the triplets; Dewey or Louie were bound to share them with Huey.

"Huey, you need to sit still."

Huey shook his head and began running around, laughing in an almost hysterical way. Donald caught him and picked him up.

"Uncle Donald, put me down," he said. "I'm going to run around the world!"

Suddenly, Huey's cheery-eyed look faded and he stopped trying to move; the sugar in his system was gone now, and he was starting to crash. Donald put him down, but he refused to stay standing. Instead, he curled up into a ball on the floor.

"Huey, you need to get up. You need to eat dinner."

"I don't want to," Huey said tiredly. "I'm not hungry."

"Well, you ate a whole bunch of chocolate. Now, you should probably fill yourself up with something nutritious. My tomato soup should give you more energy to do things."

"I don't feel good. I'm going to sleep."

"No, you're going to eat dinner. It's your fault you ate so much candy. You're eating no matter what."

"I can't. My tummy hurts."

Donald sighed, picked Huey up, and put him on the couch to lay down for a bit. The other two ate their dinner, but Huey left his alone; he just stayed asleep on the couch with his arms around his stomach.

Donald gently shook him awake after a few hours.

"Hue, your soup's getting cold."

"I'm still not feeling good."

"Huey, please. Maybe it's just a bit of an ache from eating so much unhealthy food. My soup will make you feel better."

Huey shook his head, and tried falling back asleep.

"No, Hubert Duck. You need to--Ah, forget it. If you're not going to eat, you can go to your room and sleep."

Huey moaned; his stomach ached too much and he didn't feel like moving. Donald picked him up and carried him to his bedroom. He put him on his own bed and covered him with a blanket.

"Is he going to be okay?" Dewey asked.

"He'll be fine," Donald said. "He just ate too much chocolate, and he's got a bit of a stomach ache. He'll be perfectly okay tomorrow."

He ruffled Huey's hair a bit before leaving the room.

Man, these kids are a handful, he thought, shaking his head. I'll be happy when they're older and will learn to listen better...

*Sorry if this sucked...*

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