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"Dewey, can you hear me?" a voice asked. "Dewey?"

"Dewey, Mom's talking to you," another voice said. "Dewey!"

"Huh?" Dewey said, shaking his head and coming out of his trance.

"Dewey, did you hear what I said?" Della asked.


"I asked if you were hungry. I was going to make these huge pancakes I would make when I was your age, and I wanted to know if you'd like some."

"Okay, then, I guess I'll eat something."

Della left the room after throwing a worried look towards her middle son.

"Are you feeling okay, Dewey?" Huey asked.

"I'm fine."

"Then, why didn't you respond?"

"I was...I...I don't know."

"You don't know? What do you mean?"

"I don't remember."

"Hmm...that doesn't sound good, Dew. If you don't remember what happened a few minutes ago, then maybe something's up with your head."

"I'm feeling fine. I think I was thinking about something. I just don't remember what it was."

Huey left the room and brought back Frida. She didn't seem to be as worried as Huey was.

"Is something wrong with me?" Dewey asked. "If Frida actually came, then it must be serious."

Frida put her glowing hand against his forehead. The ends of her short hair also glowed.

"You were thinking about your dream last night," she finally said. "You were kind of staring off into space, right?"


"That's probably why you don't remember. I used to do the same kind of thing when I was younger. He's perfectly fine, Huey."

Huey left the room to go downstairs.

"Do you have that dream often?" Frida asked Dewey.

He didn't respond; he was staring off into space again. She gently shook him, and the spell was broken.


"Do you have that dream often?"

"What dream?"

"The one of the Moon."

"Yeah, actually. Ever since I first asked Uncle Donald about Mom, before she came back. It was really weird, that I have that dream and she just happened to return from the Moon."

"You don't have any Runestone magic," Frida said. "I don't know how this could be happening, unless Huey's affecting your dreams in some way. Do you want me to do something about this dream?"

"No, although it kind of makes me a little sad. But, it's just that when I don't have the dream, it makes me worry. Sometimes, I'm sick, and I don't have it. It's always been a normality for me."

"That's okay, I won't do anything about it, then."

She ruffled Dewey's hair before leaving the room. He looked out the window and, in a matter of seconds, he was lost in his own thoughts.

He would probably never tell Frida, but he thought there might be a significant reason he was having the dream. He had read about something Runestones generally called a Dream Connection; a mother and her child(or any of her children) would be connected by dreams. Often, the dreams were vague and cryptic, only having a few references to each other. You didn't have to be a Runestone to have the Connection; you only had to have a certain spell put on the mother.

He thought it might be possible that, since Frida knew Donald and Della when they were in high school, Frida may have put a spell on Della without realizing it. It would explain the dream.

Perhaps he could look into it later...

*Sorry if this sucked...*

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