Decades from now (part 2)

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Fauna laid out her books and notebooks out on her bedroom floor. She drew on a large piece of paper that she was using to create a family tree.

"What is all this?" a voice asked.

She turned towards the source of the voice, and saw her older brother, Lawrence, standing in the doorway.

"I'm just trying to figure out the Duck/McDuck family tree. Is there a problem?"

Lawrence sighed.

"Ever since you found Phineas, you've been obsessed with figuring out the Duck family tree," he said, sitting beside her. "Just because you were an adventurer doesn't mean you should waste your life trying to figure another one out."

"Being an adventurer, and learning from others, is my goal in life. Accept that, Lawrence."

"Remember Flora?"

Fauna sighed. Flora was her twin sister who died a few years back on one of their adventures. Since then, Fauna had been determined to study past adventurers and learn from their mistakes. She had isolated herself from everyone else, and all her friends moved on while she was forever stuck in her research and dwelling on the past.

"She was just like you are now," Lawrence continued. "She only died because she was so wrapped up in her research and she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings."

Fauna gathered up the pieces of paper and notebooks from the floor, put them in a box, and shoved them away.

"There, I'm giving it up. All of it. Are you happy now?"

Lawrence nodded, gave her a sad smile, and left the room. Fauna brought her orb out of her bag and tapped on it.

"Fauna, what is it?" Phineas asked upon his appearance.

"I'm letting you know that I've given up on the Duck/McDuck family tree. But, now I don't know what I'm supposed to do with you."

"I'm your friend, what do you mean? I thought you said you would never let me go."

"I just...I don't know if I should keep you around. I promised my brother that I would give up on the adventuring life."

"How about just one more thing? I overheard one of your classmates talking about a...paternity test the other day?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I think the reason you're so obsessed with the Duck/McDuck because you believe you might be distantly related to them. As far as I can see, you just want a family who cares for you."

This was true; Fauna never knew her parents, as they had split when she and Flora were tiny ducklings. After Flora's death, Lawrence was all she had. She had wanted a mother to sing her lullabies and rock her to sleep, and a father to comfort her and play games with her.

"Okay, I guess we've got just one more thing to do before I say goodbye to my research forever."

Fauna waited outside of the lab of her scientist friend, Geneva. She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for results.

"Fauna, I've made a spectacular discovery," Geneva exclaimed.

Fauna followed her into her lab and was immediately given dozens of papers.

"What's this spectacular news?" Fauna asked.

"It turns out you're the distant grandchild of Llewellyn Duck, the richest duck in the world from 2032 to 2067! He created a bank account 2 years prior to his death that was supposed to go to his only daughter, Lou Monet. However, it has remained untouched for the past 150 years. And you're the rightful owner of over $1,000,000,000!"


"Yes! And I also took the liberty of giving myself a test. I'm related to Gyro Gearloose, who was Llewellyn's chief scientist. Now I understand why I'm so good at science stuff!"

Fauna left the lab, shocked. She hadn't expected to be related to Llewellyn Duck or be the owner of an bank account that would instantly make her a billionaire.

She couldn't give up adventuring after this discovery. Adventuring ran in her blood and it went back a couple of centuries.

Why should she keep any promise to Lawrence if it meant giving up adventuring? She was going to be just like her ancestors.

No one was going to stop her!

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