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"Gladstone, for the last time, I'm not lending you any money," Scrooge said. "I know you're just going to spend it all in one go and get no more back. I know you've lost interest in casinos."

"Just 20$, Uncle Scrooge?" Gladstone begged. "Then, I'll be out of your hair."

"You find money wherever you go. Why do you need mine?"

"Well, maybe I'm a little too lazy to find some right now."

However, he stuck his hand in one pocket and found 20$. He laughed sheepishly and left the mansion.

"Aunt Frida, why do I have to do this?" a whiny voice said.

Gladstone turned towards the sound and noticed Louie being carried by a woman he had never met before. She was...beautiful.

"I told you, I need someone to help me out with my garden," she said. "I think my Moon Roses are beginning to die."

"Why not ask Huey? He's half-Runestone."

"Huey's at a Junior Woodchuck...something right now. And Dewey's not--"

"Hello, madam," Gladstone said. "May I just say, you are quite a sight. I love your outfit, by the way."

Frida looked at her simple t-shirt and short shorts. She looked back up at Gladstone, who winked at her.

"Sure you do. May I ask what you're doing here?"

"I just noticed your radiating beauty from afar, and decided to say 'hello.' Is that so wrong?"

"Yes. Yes, it is. Your suit is a hideous shade of green."

"I have better suits at home. You should come see them one day, m'lady."

Frida put Louie down on the ground, and he stood up and ran off.

"Listen, I'd appreciate it if you go crawl back to your hole."

"Ooh, feisty girl. Care to come with me? We can have a little fun tonight."

Frida gave him a disgusted look. Someone poked Gladstone's back and he turned around.

"Gladstone, what are you doing?" Donald asked.

"I'm so sorry, cuz," Gladstone said sarcastically. "Am I flirting with your crush?"

"Close. You're flirting with my wife."

Gladstone's eyes widened and he looked at Frida's hands. Sure enough, she had a wedding ring on her right hand.

"I had no idea," he said. "I swear."

Donald smacked him, and he stomped away angrily. Gladstone just stood there in shock.

"Maybe you should stop and think before trying to flirt with someone," Frida said, walking away. "You might end up getting in trouble."

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