The Tale of Somerpointe Sal

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*At the beginning of "Stars and sky," Frida had finished reading a story to the boys. This is that story...*

A young girl named Sal was born on the 2nd of April some centuries ago. Growing up, she was a brave, adventurous child; she climbed to the top of the tallest trees and rocks, she explored dark areas, curious to find something extraordinary.

When she reached the age of 10, she went into her family's shoe-shining business. Sal was kind to all who approached her, and she never tried to take advantage of others. Often, she would be met with people trying to pay her more than they needed to, and she would turn down the extra money.

When she told her parents this, her father looked disappointed.

"Honey, we're poor," he said. "It would help a little if you just accepted their money."

"But, we don't need it," Sal said. "It would be dishonest. Soon, you'll want me taking advantage of everyone."

Her father wasn't too happy about it. And he showed it when Sal was 12; when Sal's mother passed away, he left Sal to live on her own.

But, Sal didn't really mind; she was told stories of mystical treasures from the people around her village of Somerpointe. She would search the planet for these trinkets of tales. She would sometimes bring the treasures and jewels, and she would share them with the Somerpointe residents. And if she didn't find them, she would sell her own precious objects and hand out the money she would receive.

The only possession that never left, after she hit 24, was a young man by the name of Everly. After she met him, they were never separated.

And on the eve of her 30th birthday, the duo had a beautiful daughter. They named her Somber, as her eyes matched the color of storm clouds and her hair was a fluffy as one.

Unfortunately, Sal was met with something tragic; a short time after Somber's birth, Sal went searching for something a few teenage boys in a nearby village called The Stone of Py. Being the kind soul she was, she went out to search for this supposed Stone.

Sal eventually arrived at the cave where the Stone was said to be in. She searched around, until she found what looked like the Stone. She picked it up and was immediately hit with something; a boulder about twice her size.

The teens had actually pulled a trick on her. It had been meant to scare her a bit, but when Sal never returned, they, too, disappeared, for they feared they may have caused her demise.

Everly worried greatly over Sal. He knew adventuring was dangerous, but Sal usually pulled through any kind of trouble.

Everyone who ever knew Sal looked everywhere for her.

But, she would never be heard from again.

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