Sapphire of the sea

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*If Dewey was half-Runestone, instead of Huey...*

Dewey was hyperventilating; he had just transformed into a mer-duck. But, why? What the heck was going on?!

I gotta do something about this, he thought.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Dewey?" Huey said. "It's time for dinner."

"I'll be there in a sec!" Dewey said.

He clapped his hands, waved them around, muttered 'Abracadabra' under his breath, but nothing worked. Then, he snapped his fingers, and the mer-duck tail was replaced by his normal legs and webbed feet.

He walked out of the room and headed downstairs for dinner. He smiled as he sat down to eat.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Louie asked.

"Can't a perfectly normal boy smile?"

"That's not how normal boys smile."

Dewey dropped the smile and instead shoved food into his mouth; he was trying to avoid conversation now.

Suddenly, he felt kind of sick from eating so fast. He stopped eating for a few seconds, and started hiccupping. After that first hiccup, he heard something shatter in the living room.

"What on earth?" Scrooge shouted, going into the living room. "Oh my word, someone broke the telly!"

"What?!" Louie screamed. "No!"

Tears ran down his face faster than a waterfall. Dewey hiccupped again and a glass vase shattered.

"I'm gonna go now," Dewey said, running out of the room.

"Oi, lad, explain yourself!" Scrooge yelled. "Things are shattering whenever you--"

Dewey hiccupped again, and another vase broke.

"Bluey, why is this happening?"

"It's Dewey. And...I don't know why *hiccup* this is happening."

"I think I know," Donald said, although he looked rather guilty.

"Did you know this whole time, and you're just now speaking?!" Scrooge asked, slapping Donald.

"I only had suspicions. But...I think Dewey might have magic."

Dewey was kept out of the house, for fear of more broken glass. Even then, his hiccups were going away; they barely caused the windows to crack.

Someone came out of the manor and walked over to him. Dewey didn't recognize her, but he figured she was on his side.

"Hi, there, my name is Frida."

"I'm Dewey. you know what's going on with me?"

"You have magic, Dewey. You're perfectly alright, it's just have a few powers. I could help you figure out how to use them."

Frida led him out of the manor and took him out to Duckburg Pier. She gave him a sapphire necklace that glowed.

"Do you have any water-related abilities?" she asked.

"Well, I can transform...into a mer-duck."

"Go into the water and you'll transform immediately. That's what the sapphire's for."

Dewey jumped into the water, and felt his legs instantly transform into a mer-duck tail. He swam around in the ocean, but stayed close enough to the pier. He felt like...he belonged in the sea; he felt seriously out-of-place at home. Perhaps this magic thing wasn't so bad...

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