Double duckling trouble

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"They're my little children, Donald and Della," Hortense told Scrooge, showing her two babbling ducklings in a basket. "What do you think?"

"I don't know," he said, looking into the shining blue eyes of the twins. "They're...cute, I guess."

"Good. Now, do you think you could take care of them for a few days while Quackmore and I go on a little vacation?"

"Pfft, no. I don't know how to care for children."

"You've faced treacherous monsters, demons, those weird stone angels. You can handle two babies for a few days."

"Fine. But, only if you pay me."

"I'm your sister!"

"Pay me. It'll only be $5."

Hortense gave him the money, muttering angrily about how cheap he was. She then left with Quackmore so they could go on their vacation.

"Okay, kids, what do you want to do?" Scrooge asked the twins.

They continued babbling. Then, Scrooge realized that they were far too young to talk at this age. He picked up Donald, who babbled and giggled.

"You're not too bad," Scrooge said, rocking him.

Donald hiccupped and began crying. Scrooge put him on his shoulder and patted his back gently. The next thing he knew, the infant had spat up on the back on his coat.

Scrooge put Donald back in the basket and left the room to get a clean coat. When he returned, Della also had a case of the hiccups, but she didn't seem to be complaining much.

"I'm not touching you," Scrooge said to her. "No way am I getting another coat dirty."

He placed the basket on the couch and sat next to it. He kept his hand on it and rocked it gently, as he turned on his TV and watched silent films. About 10 minutes in, Della's hiccups got louder and she started crying.

"Oh, well, I'm still not picking you up," Scrooge said.

Donald joined his sister in her crying, and now Scrooge had two crying children on his hands. He picked up Della and patted her back gently. She burped, but didn't spit up like Donald had.

"You happy now?" Scrooge asked her.

She giggled happily and tried to grab Scrooge's hat. Donald also held out his little hands to be picked up. Scrooge did so, and now both babies were trying to grab his hat.

He took off the hat and set it and the kids on the floor. They moved towards the hat, crawling as best as they could. But, Della quickly lost interest in the hat and tried crawling under the couch.

"Oh, no, you don't, lass," Scrooge said, picking her up. "You're a troublemaker, aren't you?"

Della gnawed on her right hand. Donald whined as his sister was getting more attention than him, so Scrooge picked him up, too.

"You're troublesome, but you're also cute. I can handle, you two, right?" Scrooge said, hugging them.

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