A close call

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Louie heard Webby and Dewey giggling from their spots on the couch. He went into the living room and saw them kissing. Dewey ran his fingers through her hair, and Webby had her arms around him, trying to pull him closer to her.

"Hey, guys," Louie said, startling the duo.

"Llewellyn, what was that for?" Dewey asked, frantically straightening Webby's hair.

"Don't call me that! I hate my full name!"

"You hate everything. Now, why did you startle us?"

"Because I can. You two are such a couple. And you aren't afraid of Beakley finding out?"

"You know, I kind of forgot Beakley existed..."

"Really? Wow, wait'll she finds out about you two. I'm sure she'll be happy about her great-grandchild."

"What?" Webby exclaimed, her face turning red. "We don't...do that. It's just...kissing, and occasionally cuddling."

"Oh, sure...I believe you."

Beakley walked in and the young couple ran out of the room in separate directions.

"Why are they acting so oddly?" Beakley asked.

Louie shrugged and walked out, too. In his mind was the beginning of a plan...

Dewey and Webby sat in the middle of the latter's bedroom. The door was locked, but they were worried that Beakley would come in.

"I feel scared," Dewey blurted out. "I feel like Beakley's gonna come kicking down the door and start choking me to death or something."

"I'm kinda scared, too. What if she forces us to break up, or we have to move out?"

Dewey hugged Webby, stroking her hair and humming tunes to her. Webby tilted her head up to look at him and their beaks touched. This triggered their love for each other and they began kissing.

Meanwhile, Louie had been hiding in the vents, holding up the phone that was set to Record. He watched as the young couple slowly gave in to their feelings yet again and started making out.

But...Louie felt guilty. He was about to expose Dewey and Webby's relationship to Beakley, which would ultimately...tear the family apart. Dewey would never forgive him, Webby and Beakley might leave...and who knew how everyone else would react. Although, to be frank, Frida might kill him; she almost did once when she found out he had kissed Webby.

Louie stopped the recording and deleted it. He just wanted his brother to be happy right now.

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