Twin Sabrewings

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The big day had finally arrived. Violet sat by the crib, waiting for her twins to hatch. She rocked the crib gently, but nervously; what if only one hatched? What if neither of them hatched?

She looked at her watch. It was 3:03 pm. Were the kids gonna hatch or what?

Just then, Violet heard the soft sound of an egg breaking. She looked at the eggs and noticed a small foot poking out of one egg. The other egg was beginning to crack open, too.

Come on, kids, thought Violet. Hatch, my babies.

The first egg broke open, and the baby inside wailed. About 10 seconds later, the second egg hatched and the second baby wailed even louder. Violet picked up her little girls and wrapped them up in soft blankets.

"Is everything alright?" a voice asked.

Violet looked behind her and saw Lena. Violet showed her the twins.

"Wow, they're so cute! And they look almost nothing like...him."

Violet looked into the faces of her twins. The second one opened her eyes. They shone like pure blue seas, like Violet's own eyes.

"What have you decided to name them?" Lena asked, taking out her phone to take a picture of Violet and the girls.

"Merriam and...Ariela," Violet said, hugging her little girls.

Ariela, the smaller one, made giggly little sounds and Merriam followed suit.

*This next part is messaging so...*

Webby: Congrats, Violet! So proud of u!

Violet: thx...

Webby: what's wrong?

Violet: I just...wonder what they'll be like later in life. Merriam's got...HIS eyes.

Webby: u mean Basil?


Webby: :V yeesh sorry...

Violet: Sorry, I just hate him so much. He only left me because he saw we were having twins instead of one kid.

Webby: kinda sounds like Dewey's dad...y r some people such jerks?

Violet: I don't know.

Webby: well, even if Merriam's got his eyes it doesn't mean she'll be like him. You're the one taking care of him, along with Lena...wait, is Lena helping out?

Violet: ...

Webby: Vi? Violet?

Violet: Sorry, gotta go. The girls woke up.

Violet rushed into the girls' room. Merriam and Ariela were crying hard. She picked up the girls, and noticed the window was splattered with raindrops. Outside, thunder clapped, and the twins wailed even louder.

"Shh, it's okay," Violet said to them in a soft voice.

The twins wouldn't stop crying, but that didn't stop Violet from trying to get them back to sleep. After about an hour, the girls fell back asleep. Violet was now so tired, she just put the girls back in their crib and fell asleep next to it...

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