The news

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Webby hadn't been feeling well for a few months, since she and Dewey had been on their honeymoon cruise. Moreover, when she was lying awake at night, she swore she felt another heartbeat, almost synchronized with hers.

She was lying on the couch when Dewey walked into the living room, carrying a box.

"Hey, Webby, I just bought this cool new video camera," he said, taking a big camera out of the box. "I was hoping I could go into the movie business. You could join, too, if you're up for it."

"I'm not really feeling too good, Dewey. Maybe another day."

Dewey put his camera back in the box and sat next to Webby. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her right on the beak. She moved her hand on her stomach, and that's when Dewey noticed something.

"Webby, how much are you eating?" he asked.

"What? Are you calling me fat?"

"N-no. You just seem a little bit..."

"Fat. You're calling me fat."

"I think you're just eating a bit too much."

"I barely feel like eating most of the time. Haven't you noticed how little I've eaten since the cruise?"

Something like realization hit the both of them.

"Dewey, do you think..."

"Yeah, I think so."

Webby held both hands on her stomach, and felt the second heartbeat, the one of their child. Dewey gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I think we're going to be a great family," he said.

About a month later, Dewey paced back and forth outside their bedroom. Webby had been in there for an hour already.

What if there hadn't been a child at all, and they were both crazy?

Finally, Webby opened the door. She held nothing.

"Dewey, I can't."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to...lay the egg. I'm scared. What if we're not good parents? What if we drop it and it breaks, and we lose our precious baby?"

Dewey held her hands in his.

"You're going to be fine. We'll be great parents, I'm sure of it. And we'll be extra-careful with the baby."

Dewey led Webby back into the bedroom. The duo sat on the bed, and he ran his fingers through her hair.

Eventually, the duo held a singular egg. Webby wrapped it up in a blue blanket.

"At least it's only one baby," she said. "One's good enough."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I didn't really want to have kids now, but if we have to start a family, I'd rather have one kid instead of a bunch of them."

"Sounds good to me."

They kissed and curled up next to each other with the egg carefully put in between them.

*Sorry if this sucked...again...*

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