Oh, it's that guy...

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Huey went downstairs to find Frida watching a TV show with an old duck giving someone an interview.

"What are you watching?" he asked.

"It's The Don Rosa Show," she said. "It's one of the most popular shows in the entire history of the RBC."


"The Runestone Broadcasting Corporation. As far as I know, Don's not a Runestone. Though, he knows of their existence."

Scrooge walked into the room, and gasped when he noticed who was on the screen.

"That's Don Rosa!" he exclaimed.

"You know him?" Huey asked.

"Know him? I worked with him a few times. Although, I thought he was dead this whole time; he kind of disappeared altogether about a decade ago. He owes me money if he's still alive."

"Scrooge, why do you insist on making him pay you? Maybe he won't even remember you."

"Pfft, as if. He's got a photographic memory. Frida, do you know where that show's recorded?"

"It's recorded live in St. Canard," she said. "But, you--"

"To St. Canard!"

"This is the place," Frida said, looking at her phone as the three of them stood in front of a dirty apartment door.

Scrooge knocked on the door 3 times. After no answer for 10 seconds, he started banging on the door.

"Scrooge!" Frida exclaimed, pulling him away from the door.

Someone opened the door, and Scrooge was staring into the face of an old duck.

"Hello, Don," he said.

"Scrooge McDuck, what a pleasant surprise," Don said.

The two then brought their hands back as though they were going to punch each other, but their hands met between them for a handshake.

"Come on inside, McDuck," Don said, going back into his apartment. "You're here for a reason, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. You see, you owe me about $2,364.37, because you borrowed money from me about a decade ago and you broke an expensive piece of equipment."

"It was on accident, and I payed for it."

"You still owe me for the money borrowing."

"I'll get it for you, okay? Just sit down and I'll get it."

Huey looked around Don's apartment. Frida had said that most people associated with Runestone television made lots of money, but Don seemed to be close to poor.

Don came back outside holding a fistful of money. Scrooge took it and counted it up.

"Good, good. Okay, Don, you're off the hook. Except...I don't suppose you could tell me why you were on a Runestone channel this morning."

"What do you mean? I don't know what that is."

"You sure? Tell me, what's your power? I really would like to know. Do you have the ability to create authentic currency out of thin air?"

"No, I don't have anything. Just go."


As the trio was about to leave, Scrooge accidentally bumped into a vase. It spun around and fell, but it did not shatter; they turned around and saw the vase floating above the ground, inches from decimation.

"Did you just...?" Huey asked, staring at the vase.

"Okay, so I'm 1/4 Runestone," Don admitted. "I have just the one power; to freeze things. Not freeze with ice, though. Just freezing the motion. I didn't want to tell any of you, because I thought you weren't magical like I was. The reason I stopped appearing in public...was because I was visiting a friend of mine at a shopping mall. A window shattered above us, and I froze it. I needed to hide myself from everyone who knew me afterwards. No one would stop asking questions."

"Oh," Frida said. "You're just afraid of revealing that to anyone you don't know."

"Yeah. On my show, I can trust everyone. I know they're Runestones, and I've even saved one my guests from a bullet. I'm happy with being around people like me. I feel safe, and understood. It's better than traveling the world at comic conventions and have someone asking if I remember the incident with the window. I've barely spoken to anyone outside of the studio."

"Okay, then, we'll just go and not bother you ever again. Sound good?"

Don shrugged. Scrooge gave his money back to him.

"Keep it," he said. "Consider your debt nonexistent."

The family left his apartment. Don smiled a bit, knowing that Scrooge wasn't so much of a cheapskate anymore.

*I just randomly got the idea to do this, since I occasionally draw Rosa and Barks as poorly drawn ducks...*

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