Yellow sunshine

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Huey couldn't pay attention to what Frida was telling him; he had virtually no interest in learning how to create potions. It wasn't like he needed to know.

Not only did he have little interest in that particular subject, but a high-pitched squeaking din was coming from behind one of the lab's doors.

"Huey, are you listening?" Frida asked.

"Honestly, no. I don't want to learn about potions, I'd rather learn about what's behind that door."

Frida put her ear to the door.

"I'd reckon it's lunchtime anyway. I guess I could show you these instead of potion making."

She opened the door, and Huey gasped.

Both sides of the room had glass containers filled with little glowing critters. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be pixies of all kinds.

"What are you doing with dozens of pixies?" he asked.

"I just keep them. I find them a lot around the lab. They're attracted to Moon Roses."

A small little pixie crawled out from under Huey's hat. This was his personal Paget Pixie named Luna. She squeaked at the other Paget Pixies, and they all crowded around the glass.

Huey let Luna chatter at the other pixies, and looked around. He noticed one that seemed to be in a terrarium by itself. He approached its cage and it retreated behind a small plant decoration.

"Aunt Frida, who's this?" he asked.

Frida opened the terrarium and reached inside. She pulled out a tiny pixie that was slightly smaller than the rest of the pixies. It curled up in Frida's hand, and hid its face from the duo.

"I haven't named this one yet," she said. "He's one of the few male Russ Pixies in existence, and he was born last week. He's a very shy critter."

"Can I hold him?"

Frida put the tiny pixie in his hands. He looked up at Huey and squeaked once before curling back up into a ball.

"He doesn't seem that frightened by you, Hue. I think you should be in charge of caring for him."

"I think I'll call him...Phooey. I remember Dewey drawing something that kinda looks like this pixie."

Phooey chirruped and glowed a bright golden-yellow color. Warmth emitted from the small creature. He wagged his glowing crystal tail like a puppy.

"I think he likes that name," Frida said, gently caressing the little pixie's hair.

Huey carefully put Phooey on a tiny pillow.

"He really does look like a Phooey," Dewey said. "Can I have him?"

"I'll ask Aunt Frida tomorrow. Right now, we should go to bed."

As soon as the lights went out, Phooey began glowing like a night-light. He was a small warm glow in the corner of the dark room. The boys felt calm and soothed in his presence, and had good dreams all night long...

*Don't mind me, I'm just running low on ideas again XD...*

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