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Gladstone stood outside McDuck Manor. He was waiting for a certain pretty lady to make her grand appearance. Mind you, he had invited her to his house for a little chat, and he had told her he wouldn't try to make her divorce Donald. She had hesitantly accepted.

He checked his watch. It was 7:59 pm. Would she ever come out?

Sure enough, Frida walked outside. She was dressed in jeans and a blue t-shirt. She looked at Gladstone's expensive suit.

"I thought you said it was casual," she said, frowning.

"Y-yeah, I-I-I don't know what I was thinking, really," Gladstone stuttered. "Don't worry, I can change out of this when we arrive at my house."

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Frida asked, going into a limo with Gladstone.

"I wanted to ask you how to get a girl...to like me, you know," he responded.

"But, you're the luckiest person in the world. You should be constantly having girls on your heels."

"Well, there's this specific girl I like. And she doesn't really know I exist."

"Get her attention with flowers. Or beautiful flirtatious words, like 'You're so radiant, you make the sun look like a night light.'"

"Oh. Maybe I'll try that."

The two arrived at a casino.

"I thought you said we were going to your house," Frida said.

"I...I just remembered that my house is being...fumigated."

Frida raised an eyebrow in suspicion. The two left the limo and went into the casino. Gladstone immediately went to a roulette table. He placed a few bets and won all of them. The other people around him stared in awe, and began whispering "Dang, that guy must be the luckiest man in the world!"

Gladstone picked up a chip and handed it to Frida. She tossed it behind her.

"Gladstone, I know what you're trying to do, and it's not working. Donald is the only one for me, and I've already had kids with him."

"Screw that, don't you want a lucky man? We'll have a perfect family on the first try."

Frida slapped him, hard. She left the casino, making many slot machines break down as she stomped away.

"She'll come back for me," Gladstone muttered, heading to a working slot machine, inserting a coin, and pushing the button. "I know she will. She'll see that my luck is one of the--"

"You lose!" his slot machine declared.


Sure enough, the machine wasn't lying.

"Maybe it's broken," he said, trying again.

"You lose!" the machine declared again.

"Fine, you broken piece of trash. Have it your way."

He headed out, immediately feeling rain soaking his suit. He waved for a taxi, and one appeared almost immediately. He stepped in.

"Where you headed?" the taxi driver asked.

"Do you know where McDuck Manor is?"

"Of course."

As they drove, Gladstone looked out the window.

Eventually the taxi stopped and Gladstone glanced at the meter. So far, he had to pay 10 dollars for the trip.

No worries, I can pay for that. It's no big deal.

He searched his pockets for a 20$ bill, but all he found was a quarter. The driver noticed him searching his pockets.

"Lose something?" he asked.

"Yeah, it appears that I have no money..."


The driver kicked Gladstone out of his taxi. Gladstone was now left shivering in the rain.

Did I just lose my luck?

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