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Dewey kissed Webby as he ran his fingers through her hair. The couple stopped when they heard a noise outside of Webby's room.

"Maybe we should stop," Webby said, getting up. "If it's my granny, she'll wonder why I was on top of you.She might start getting...ideas."

"Come on, my sweet rose, I want to cuddle with you."

"Dewey, I don't want her finding out about us."

"We're 18 now. It'll be fine."

"No, it won't. I'm...I'm kind of afraid of her anyway, I really don't want to know what she'll do to us when she finds out we're a couple."

"Fine. I'll just go, then."

Dewey stood up and left. Just as he did, Beakley and Della were approaching.

"Oh hey, Mom and Mrs. B, what's up?" he asked, keeping himself calm.

""We need to talk to you. And Webby," Della said.

"Uh, no can do, ladies. We'll talk to you another day about that. How about next week?"

"This can't wait, Dewey. College starts in 3 weeks, and you're almost out of time to apply!"

"Oh, that."

"What did you think we were talking about?" Beakley said, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"That's what I thought you were talking about, the college thing. I just don't want to go."

Webby walked out of her room and caught sight of Beakley and Della.

"Dewey, what's going on?"

"Webby, I need to talk to you," Beakley said, leading Webby back into her room. "Alone, please."

Beakley locked Webby's door. Webby felt as if her whole world was shattering; had Beakley found out about her and Dewey?

"I'm so sorry, Granny, I just love him!" she blurted out.


"I love Dewey, and he loves me back. And you're not going to separate us, ever!"

"I wanted to talk to you about college, but this...this is a more important matter."


"Webby, I never wanted you to date anyone in the first place. I felt that any boy know, leave you as soon as a serious relationship or a child comes into the picture. I understand you might 'love' Dewey, but I highly doubt he would stick around for very long. I think the best remedy for this to send you to a different college than him."

"No, Granny! Please, no!"

"I'm sorry, Webby, but you're getting to that age where you'll want more out of your relationship. Do you want to be a teenage mother?"


"Exactly. So, I know Della wants Dewey to go to Duckburg University, so you'll be going to Calisota State. Just like your mother. And you will never see Dewey again, capishe?"


"Webby, I'm going to Duckburg University!" Dewey shouted excitedly. "How about you?"

"Oh, me, too," she said with a fake smile.

"Woo-oo, Ducklings for life!"

"Shut up, Dewford!" Louie shouted from downstairs.

I would like to be a Duckling with you, thought Webby. But, I just ruined everything for us...

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