On fire

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Huey woke up one morning with a bad case of the sniffles. He felt like he couldn't really breathe.

"Huey, you look terrible," Della said. "Your face is almost the same color as your outfit."

"I'm sick," he responded. "It's just a bad cold, don't worry too much about it."

Although, he was beginning to think this might be a little more than the common cold. He was shivering a little too much, and he felt like he was on fire.

"Mom, could you check my temperature?"

Della searched around for a thermometer. She found one in a cabinet with the medicine, and checked his temperature.

"104.8," she said. "That's too high. I should tell Frida."

Huey sat on a chair and waited for Della and Frida. They came in a few minutes later, with Frida carrying a box. She picked him up and carried him to her lab. The duo was immediately greeted by dozens of pixies.

"You'll stay in here tonight," Frida said, putting Huey on a bed. "These pixies will heal you overnight. Their magic and a little bit of medicine is the only thing to cure you."

"Why? I think it's just a really bad cold."

"You've got a Runestone's cold. It has the same symptoms of a regular cold, but the fever goes exceptionally higher. You have fire resistance, so it could go as high as 200 degrees Fahrenheit."

"Wouldn't that kill me?"

"No, you've got fire resistance. You should be okay."

His two personal pixies, Phooey and Luna, appeared from under his hat and they joined their many pixie friends. Huey laid on a bed and attempted to sleep for a bit, but the pixies squeaked joyously and curled up next to him or on top of his head and face.

"Could you ask them to get off me?" he asked.

"That's how they heal you. You'll just have to deal with it until they detect a decrease in your body temperature."

Frida gave him medicine and he drifted off to sleep with the dozens of pixies around him.

Huey woke up the next day to find the pixies had returned to their cages and were sleeping. He sat up and Phooey flew over to him, squeaking happily.

"Where's Luna?" Huey asked.

Phooey chirped once and pointed to the rest of the pixies.

Huey looked into the cage and saw Luna curled up next to what he only assumed was a male pixie.

"She's in love right now," a voice behind Huey said.

He turned around and saw Frida holding bowls of fruit. She put them into the cages and the pixies swarmed to them.

"Every summer, the girls find a partner and have little babies," Frida explained. "This Brener Pixie happened to catch her eye."

"Could I still take her with me?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. She'll stick to Joshua like glue. And in a few weeks, she'll have babies. And you don't want to get close to a pixie's babies."

Huey looked at Luna, who had also gotten up to eat her breakfast. When she noticed Huey, she began squeaking madly at him.

"Did I do something?" he asked.

"I don't think so. Maybe she heard the conversation."

Huey left the lab without Luna. He figured he'd be fine leaving Luna alone for a while.

But, he wasn't too sure if she would ever want him back...

*You can tell I was very bored...*

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