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Huey woke up one morning. He was feeling quite happy, seeing as today was a special day; the Junior Woodchucks were having a camping trip, and he was hoping to ask Donald, Della, Scrooge, or Frida to go with him.

He got out of bed and immediately went to Della's room. She was still asleep, so he poked her gently. She snored loudly, and remained stuck in her sweet dreams.

"Mom, could you wake up, please?" he asked.

"Hmmmm," Della hummed.

She lifted up her head, and looked at Huey.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on my Junior Woodchuck camping trip with me."

"What time is it?"

"6:02 in the morning. The trip is at 7:30. We need to go now if we want to make it."

"Baby, I'd love to go, but I'm still tired. Maybe *yawn* maybe I'll get up later."

"But, all the Woodchucks are supposed to meet up on Mt. Taliaferro at 7:30. We need to go now."

"I'm still tired, Hue..."

Huey was waiting for her to say more, but he noticed she had fallen back asleep. He left the room and went into Scrooge's room. Only Duckworth was in there, though, cleaning up.

"Hey, Duckworth, have you seen Uncle Scrooge?" Huey asked.

"He left a little while ago for a business meeting. He should be back in about 3 hours."


Huey left Scrooge's room and headed to Donald and Frida's room. Before he got there, Frida walked out, her head surrounded by a bubble that had a blue aura.

"Aunt Frida, will you or Uncle Donald go on my Junior Woodchuck camping trip with me?"

"Donald's feeling sick. He's been throwing up all night, poor thing. And I'm afraid I might get sick, since I've been taking care of him for a while. I don't think I'll be able to go."

"Can't Beakley take care of him?"

"She's not here, she went with Scrooge. So did Louie, the sneaky little rat."

Huey simply walked back to his room and checked the time. It was now 6:17. If Scrooge and Beakley were gone for three hours, Frida would be able to leave Donald with Beakley...but it would be too late by that time. And Della was probably going to sleep for a while.

Huey curled up into a ball and covered himself in blankets. He was going to miss out on an awesome camping trip because everyone else was too busy.

"Huey, baby, wake up," a voice said.

Huey uncovered himself and looked into the crystal blue eyes of his mom.

"Are you okay? Have you been crying?"

Huey covered his face.

"Huey, it's okay. Just tell me what's wrong."

"Everyone else is too busy to go on my camping trip with me. And now it's too late."

"It's only 7:27."

"We're supposed to be on Mt. Taliaferro by 7:30."

"It should be okay, as long as you get there anyway. I'll fly you there, how does that sound?"

Huey sniffled a little, then said, "Okay."

Huey hugged Della, and the duo went out to the Cloudslayer.

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