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Frida was lying face-down on her pillow. She felt sick, which was kind of unusual, considering her tough immune system. Perhaps it was something she ate.

"Hey, Frida, what say you and I head out tonight?" Donald said as he ran into her room.


"Hey, you feelin' alright?"

"No. I feel sick."

"You think it's serious?"

"I don't know."

Donald put a hand against Frida's forehead.

"You don't feel warm. Did you perhaps eat something bad?"

"That's what I thought, but I don't really think so. Ugh, I just want to sleep right now. I'm in so much pain..."

"Hmm, maybe you should see a doctor."

Frida sat up and stumbled out the door.

"Uh, maybe I should go with you."

"She's going to be alright, right, Uncle Donald?" Dewey asked as Donald drove to the hospital.

"Yeah, I hope so," Donald said, looking worriedly at Frida for a moment. "I think she'll be fine. The doctors will do something about her illness."

"What if it's something incurable?" Huey asked.

"Don't bring us down with that, Hubert," Frida muttered sleepily.

"She's right," Donald said. "It can't be incurable. It...it just can't be."

The family arrived at the hospital. Frida went through many tests, and they were now waiting for the results.

"You'll be fine, Frida," Donald said, holding her hand. "I promise."

The boys gave Frida a hug, with Huey crying hysterically. The doctor came in and he just sobbed even louder.

"Okay," the doctor said. "I have good news and bad news."

"What's the bad news?" Donald asked.

"Mrs. Duck appears to be some kind of...anomaly? She appears to be giving off a kind of energy...I can't really explain it, no one's ever seen anything like that."

"That's bad news?"

"Well, because we have no idea what it is. But, it doesn't seem to have any negative effects on Mrs. Duck."

"What's the good news, then?"

"Good news is that I'm giving you my congratulations. You're having twins!"

"Twins?! Frida's..."

Donald fainted. Frida carried him and led the triplets out to the car.

"Gosh, twins," Dewey said excitedly. "We're going to have little baby cousins!"

"Yeah," Frida said, her voice devoid of excitement. "It's...it's awesome."

"How come you're not excited?"

"Well, I wasn't really ready to have kids. Besides, I was hoping for one baby, not two."

"Well, you decided to marry Uncle Donald," Louie said. "He's been wanting kids of his own ever since we were born."

"I've got to deal with it, anyway, Lou. It's not like I'm giving the kids up for adoption or anything. I'm going to care for them, and love them, until the day I die."

"What are you going to name them?" Huey asked.

"Uh...Maybe Donald, Jr. and Charles for boys, Dana and Donna for girls. I really don't know, Donald's kinda knocked out right now, I'll have to go over this with him."

All the while, Frida couldn't really accept the fact that soon she'd be a mother. She wasn't ready for the responsibility of two troublesome infants.

Although...she has been taking care of three wacky nephews for a few weeks.

How bad could twins possibly be?

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