Pay attention

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Scrooge had heard the sound of crying from the twins' bedroom. He went up to see what was going on, and he found that Della had fallen out of her bed.

"Are you okay, Della?" he asked picking her up.

"I fell, Unca Scrooge!" she cried. "My head hurts."

"It's okay, Della, we'll go and get some ice for your head, okay?"

He left the room, paying no attention to the little webbed feet sticking out of the blanket that had also fallen with Della. Donald had been knocked out in the fall, and thus, he had made no sound to tell Scrooge that he had fallen, too.

"Donald, what are you doing on the floor?" a voice asked.

Donald pulled the cover off of him, and he looked up to see splotches blurring his vision. They cleared up and he was facing Scrooge.

"I...I fell," he said.


"I don't remember. I just remember Della and I were jumping on the bed, but we fell."

"That was just this morning. About 10 hours ago."


"Wait, you've been lying here for 10 hours, and you didn't tell me?"

"I...I guess so."

Scrooge left the room, shaking his head. Della came in, holding a bag of ice on her head.

"I tried to tell him that you fell, too, but I don't think he heard me."

"I don't think he cares about me. I bet if I died, he wouldn't care."

Donald stood up and winced. Pain shot through his left foot.

"Are you okay?" Della asked, helping him walk.

"I think I may have broken something, or twisted my ankle," Donald said, small tears falling from his face.

"I'll tell Unca Scrooge," Della said, running out of the room.

Donald slowly made his way back to his bed. As he sat down, Scrooge and Della came in.

"I don't think it's that serious," Scrooge said, about to walk back out.

Della, however, turned Scrooge around and tried pushing him over to Donald. Scrooge rolled his eyes and looked at Donald's foot. He gently squeezed it and Donald yelped in pain.

"It's probably just bruised," Scrooge said, heading towards the door, but then Della blocked him from going out.

"What do you want me to do, lass?!"

"Take care of my brother. You take care of me, but you didn't even listen to me when I told you Donald fell off the bed, too. Now go."

Scrooge picked up Donald.

"Then, you come with me; we're taking Donald to the hospital, to make sure he's alright."

Donald now sat back at the manor, his leg in a cast. It had been fractured from the fall, and Scrooge had taken out the bunk beds and replaced them with two normal beds.

"Oi, lad, I brought you something," Scrooge said, walking into the room.

Donald held out his hands, and Scrooge gave him a toy boat.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you, lad. I should've listened to Della. I really do love you, it's just that...I often have trouble understanding you, and I just don't want to try to figure out what you're saying. But, I'll listen to you more often, from now on."

"Thanks, Unca Scrooge," Donald said, and the duo hugged.

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