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"Tag! You're it!" Amy exclaimed, as she tagged her brother, Fergus.

"Not fair," he complained. "I wasn't ready! You could've tagged Ben, he was ready."

"No, I wasn't," Ben said, putting his hands on his hips. "Don't be a liar."

Meanwhile, Dani, DJ, and Buddy sat at a table, talking about things going on around town. Buddy and DJ were currently in an argument.

"No, no, no, I think the water park should stay open," Buddy said. "I was planning on taking Fergus there while Dani took Amy to the mall or wherever."

"Come on, you can't ignore the dozens of injuries reported just from the shallow pools and water slides in that area," DJ said. "The place is a serious hazard. You can't even drink from the water fountains without the possibility of it shooting out a strong jet of water in your eye."

Dani's phone went off. She answered it, and listened to the caller on the other end. As the conversation went on, shock went over her face. When it was over, a few tears had fallen from her face.

"What happened?" DJ asked. "Is someone hurt or something?"

"Uncle Louie's dead."

"What?! How?"

"He was found dead in his apartment downtown, and they don't know why yet. Dad just called me...because he found Louie himself."

"Ouch. I mean, he wasn't very old, was he? He was, uh..."

"He was 60. Their birthday was just last month."

"Should we go see if our parents will be okay?"

"Yeah...I think we should."

Huey stood outside of an old apartment building. He waited for his family as the rain began to fall from the darkened sky.

Today was another addition to the saddest memories of his life; he had visited Louie's room in this apartment complex...and had found his youngest brother face down on the floor, motionless and breathless.

A mud-covered minivan pulled up, and his family came out.

"Dad, are you okay?" Dani asked, hugging him.

"My youngest brother was just found dead. Yeah, I'm okay."

"Stop the sarcasm. I understand it hurts but...I just meant that you're not going to do something crazy, right? You won't try to give up on life, or anything?"

"I'll be fine. I just...wish he had had a happier life. Since Fey and his daughter, he did seem...depressed."

"Do you think he killed himself?" DJ asked.

"No, er...maybe. I hope not, because that'd be stupid."

"So, where is...?"

"I told the medics to just find out how he died, and then bury him. I...I don't want to go through too much trouble. It'll just make me sadder."

All the members of the family hugged Huey. They then climbed back into the minivan to head to Dani and Buddy's house.

"Louie's gone?" Dewey asked. "God, I honestly thought I would die first. But, then again, Louie seemed suicidal."

"He didn't kill himself," Huey said. "I got a message from a mortician and they said it was a heart attack. He had no one around to help him, so...he just..."

"Kicked the bucket. Frickin' fantastic."

"Dew, are you crying?"

"Obviously, I...I just want him back. He shouldn't have died...First Scrooge and Beakley, then Mom, and now Louie?! Who's next, you? Or maybe Aunt Frida?"

"Calm down, Dewey. I know you miss him. We all do, but...we should move on a little, live out our lives peacefully."

Dewey hung up on Huey. Huey sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. What he wouldn't give to be talking to Louie right now...

*Running low on ideas, help, I keep writing terrible stuff dfghjhgfdc*

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