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"Promise you'll call us, so we know you'll be okay," Huey said.

"We'll be fine," Dewey said, giving his brothers a hug. "I promise."

"You better. You don't want to end up having the ship go in another direction and sending you to the Arctic or something."

"Chill, Hubert. We'll be okay, really."

"Come on, Dewey," Webby said, picking up her suitcases. "The ship's leaving in a few minutes."

Dewey picked up his own suitcases and went onto the cruise ship with Webby. He looked back to see Huey and his fiance, Hayley, waving to them. Louie, however, was looking to his left. He seemed very distant from the rest of the scene, very lost-in-thought...

The boat began to move.

"Bye, you guys!" Webby called out. "See you in a few weeks!"

"Bye, Webby!" Hayley yelled. "We'll miss you two!"

Louie looked once towards the boat, but just as quickly looked away. Eventually, the boat had gone away far enough that Duckburg Pier wasn't visible anymore.

"So, Dewey, now what?" Webby asked, twirling her hair.

"How about we head to our room?" Dewey said, kissing her.

Webby giggled, but the newlyweds jumped when they heard loud music and another couple yelling out, "Samba!"

"Samba? What is 'samba?'" Dewey asked.

"I think it's a dance?" Webby said.

The other couple and a few of their family members began dancing around in colorful outfits. A few other people joined in, but Dewey and Webby went over to their little room.

"That song is catchy, though," Webby said, sitting on the bed and still hearing the loud music.

"Yeah. But, let's ignore that for now. It's about just the two of us today."

They kissed passionately, but then the music outside got louder, enough that they could feel vibrations from the other couple's speakers.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," Webby said. "Should we ask to be brought back home?"

"No, we'll just, uh..."

"Ignore it? That's impossible."

"You're right...I guess we'll just leave them be."

The two went back to kissing, but fell off the bed. Webby was on the floor, with Dewey on top of her. The duo blushed and awkwardly stood up.

"Wait, there's no need to feel awkward about this," Webby said. "We're adults, and married."

"I'm still not very comfortable being...on top of you like that," Dewey said. "What if someone bursts in on us?"

Webby rolled her eyes and wrote something on a piece of paper. She stuck it to the outside of the door with a small metal fork.

"Pretty sure you can't do that," Dewey said as she closed the door behind her.

"Who really cares? Besides, now no one will bother us. We can have our alone time for as long as we like."

Dewey was quite sure he knew what she meant, but didn't feel very comfortable about...that specific subject. Sure, they were adults now, but...did he really want a kid thrown into his life? There was a chance of that happening.

"Webby, are you sure we should...be doing that?"

"What? Kissing?"

"Oh, I though you meant...the other thing."

"What? No! Unless...you really want to?"

"No. Not really."

"We don't have to if you don't want to."

"Do you want to?"

Webby's face turned a bright red color.

"Well, I...maybe I...kinda want a kid. How cute would that be, a new baby Duck?"

Dewey frowned. He wasn't too sure he wanted a messy baby in his life. On the other hand, he could always name it Turbo...

"Yes, I want a little baby," he said.

*16 years later*

DJ turned on his playlist for his cousin, Dani, to listen to.

"This one's one of my favorites," he said, putting on a song that sounded like it was in Portuguese.

"Hey, I remember that song," Dewey said. "When we were on our honeymoon, this loud Brazilian family played it day and night. Every day of that cruise, you would hear and you would see at least one of the family members dancing around."


"Yeah. I remember it very clearly. It was on that same cruise that we decided we wanted a kid. Your mother and I...you know, did that..."

"Did what?"

"You know...didn't you learn about this kind of thing in health class, or biology?"

"What? No...Wait..."

"You guys...did some baby-making?" Dani asked.

"To this exact song, yes," Dewey said.

"Ew, no, Dad, you're ruining the song, stop it."

Dewey left the room, laughing all the while.

"It's not funny, Dad!" DJ yelled.

*I'm seriously running low on ideas. I've been feeling okay, except my brain feels kinda frazzled right now because I keep waking up at 5 or 6 in the morning...

Sorry if this sucked...*

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