When I lost what I loved...

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Huey couldn't breathe all of a sudden. The air became water, and he felt like he was far below the ocean; the pressure made him feel like he was going to be flattened.

"Huey, wake up," a voice said.

He attempted to speak, but the water went into his mouth and he choked on it.

"Huey, wake up!" the voice yelled.

He was suddenly sitting upright on his bed. Frida looked at him worriedly.

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked.

"Why are you asking?"

Frida pointed to the bed. If he didn't know any better, he'd say it was...wet.

"Did I wet the bed?" he asked. "Please don't tell me I wet the bed."

"When I came in here, you were surrounded by a bubble that seemed to be filled...with tears. Something's wrong."

"Tears? Was I crying in my sleep?"

"Yes. It sometimes happens when certain kinds of Runestones are sad. Since you have a water transformation, it can happen to you. So, why are you sad?"

"Well...I...This is going to sound ridiculous."


"I...I lost my Junior Woodchuck guidebook yesterday."

"That's it?"

Huey nodded.

"Oh, boy," Frida said, making a perfect imitation of Louie. "Well, do you know where you saw it last?"

"I mean, it's gone. I was in your lab yesterday and...it burned. All of it. It's gone forever."

"I could always get you another copy, can't I? Actually, you know what? Come with me."

Frida led him to her lab, where she kept all of her potion making equipment, and she even had a garden next to it that she grew magical plants in. She dug around in various cabinets while Huey sat down on a chair, staring at the singed area of tiles where his JWG vanished before his eyes after a potion fell on it.

He suddenly felt himself be lifted up into the air. He noticed that he was surrounded by a bubble, and tears fell from his face. The bubble began to rapidly fill up.

A tiny flying ball of light noticed his predicament and popped the bubble. He fell back onto his chair, and the ball of light sat in on his beak. Upon closer inspection, the light emitted from a tiny flying creature that looked like Della. It squeaked at him and blew a kiss at him.

"What's this creature that looks like Mom?" he asked.

Frida took out an old book and looked at the creature.

"It's a Paget Pixie," she said, handing Huey the book. "It's a shape-shifter."

Huey looked at the book he received. It was a very old and beat-up JWG.

"How'd you get this?" he asked.

"I was a Junior Woodchuck.I had almost every badge, except for Sewing and Cartography. This was my copy of the JWG. It's old, of course, so be careful with it."

"Thanks, Aunt Frida."

Huey left the lab, but was followed by the Paget Pixie.

"Hey, Frida, the pixie's following me."

"She likes you. She won't go away, really. She can be your companion."

Huey held out his hand and the pixie flew onto it. She glowed even brighter and Huey didn't feel as upset about his JWG anymore. Perhaps this little pixie could keep his magic under control a little so he's not drowning in tears anymore...

*I'm very tired right now, and I'm running out of ideas again....help me fchjkghgfdfghfd*

DuckTales One-Shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora