The proposal

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"I'm not sure if I can do this," Dewey said to his brothers as he held a small box in his hands. "What if she says no?"

"She won't say no," Huey said. "I'm sure she'll marry you."

"What if she's lost interest? I feel queasy thinking about it."

"Then, stop thinking about it."

Dewey put the box in his pocket and walked outside. Webby pulled up in her new car that her dad bought for her.

"Come on, Dewey, we're gonna miss the movie if we don't hurry!" she called out.

He got into her car and she drove on to the cinema. Her car was a convertible, and she absolutely loved having the hood down. It made her hair flow like silk curtains in the breeze.

Dewey felt as though he would get sick from all the butterflies in his stomach. A movie wasn't exactly the perfect place for a proposal, so he had quite a bit of time. But, he was still going to have to ask her the big question sooner or later.

They soon arrived at the movie theater, and Webby happily hopped out of her car.

"We're a few minutes early," she said, "Maybe we can get some snacks really quick."

She bought a big box of popcorn for them to share, two smoothies, and two tickets. They went into one of the theaters and sat down to watch the movie.

As they sat there, Dewey kept one hand in his pocket, to hold onto the ring box. He didn't want to get pick-pocketed or have it fall out. How long would he have to ask her 'the big question?'

When the movie was over, they returned to Webby's car, and just sat there for a bit, until she finally spoke.

"You looked really uncomfortable."

"What makes you say that?"

"You looked a bit sick, and distracted."

"I was just thinking of something."

"Of what?"

"I wanted to ask you something."

Webby held Dewey's hands in hers. It made the butterflies in his stomach flutter at high speed, and he felt dizzy. Did she know what he was going to ask?

"First, I want to head somewhere," she said. "Then, you can ask me."

She started the car and began to drive in the direction of their old make-out point, Resplendent View. Dewey felt slightly disappointed that he couldn't give her the ring yet, but she most likely knew what he was going to ask. It wouldn't be long now...

They arrived at the base of Resplendent View, and Webby parked the car. She looked at Dewey with a starry-eyed expression.

"So, what'd you want to ask me?"

"Webbigail Vanderquack...will you..."

God, this is hard, he thought. He quickly took the ring box out of his pocket and opened it.

"Webby, will you marry me?" he asked.

"That's what I figured you were going to ask. We've been together for a while, and we're still completely in love. So...yes, I will marry you, Dewford Duck."

A/N: I found out that, on 9/12, it'll be a full year since I published my first DT17 fanfiction, I Love You the Most!

This version of Dewey's proposal is slightly different: instead of both of them being 25 at time of marriage and proposal, they're 24. Originally, I had never given them children, but now that DJ's been thrown in, I had to make them a bit younger. Resplendent View still exists, but Dewey proposes when they're at the base of the hill instead of on top. No picnic is involved, but there is a movie.

FYI, I'm stopping this one-shot book. I've saved this remastering of the proposal for last. However, I'm still going to be doing one-shots in a separate book. Thing is, I really hate scrolling all the way down to part 80-something to write every day. Don't worry, there'll still be one-shots, just not in this particular book.

I've absolutely enjoyed the last year of Wattpad DuckTales writing, and getting to know all of you who are part of the fandom. May there be many more years together to come!

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