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Louie was nowhere to be found. No one seemed to have seen him for the past week. Frida was getting really worried.

"Seriously, no one's seen Louie?" she asked.

"We checked everywhere," Dewey said. "We don't know where he could be."

"He could've moved around to avoid us," Huey said.

"I think he'd be too lazy to leave a comfortable spot," Frida said, going off to search in little-known rooms.

She searched in all of the closets, Scrooge's room, her room, and a few rooms that held treasures. Louie was in none of them.

She checked outside, and noticed an out-of-place green patch among the bushes. She approached it, and found Louie curled up into a ball. He appeared to be asleep, or extremely still and quiet.

"Louie, get up, baby," Frida said, gently shaking him.

Louie sat up and looked up at Frida with big watery eyes.

"Have you been crying, Lou-Lou?"


"Don't lie to me."

" what if I was? What does it matter?"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"No. I...Do you remember when you had Webby kiss me, so we wouldn't be in love anymore?"

"It didn't work, or something?"

"It worked on her, but not on me. I still like her. And then I tried to tell myself that she's Dewey's girlfriend...and I remembered Anise."

"Who's Anise?"

"She was a friend of mine when we were younger. But, then she...was kidnapped. I never saw her again. If she was here now...I would be dating her."

"So, you're upset that you don't have a girlfriend. I get it."

"Well, yeah. Weren't you ever upset over losing a potential boyfriend?"

Frida sighed.

"I've never told this to anyone, but...yes, in a way. I used to have a little crush on Donald back in high school. He took me to prom and everything. But...when we were almost done with college, I asked him to meet me by Duckburg Pier, and he didn't come when I asked him to. I found out later he had been with a girl named Daisy. I cried for a few hours, but...I completely forgot why afterwards."


"I erased our memories of each other."


"I didn't even know I did. I didn't know I was a Runestone until after I married Donald. I guess being so dreadfully upset triggered my magic. Emotions often trigger Runestone powers, like with Huey."

"Huey's a Runestone?"

"He's half, technically, because he has no healing abilities. But, that doesn't matter. I want you to feel better, okay? I know you can't have Webby, or Anise. But, sometimes, you've gotta move on, okay, Lou-Lou?"

She hugged Louie, and he felt a warm feeling throughout his body. It was most likely Frida's aura warming, but he didn't mind.

"Just know that even if you don't have a girlfriend, we'll always love you. And someone will always be with you to make you feel better."

She held Louie in her arms as though he were a infant. He figured he might not need a girlfriend to be there to comfort him. Just a family member to hold him and tell him that they loved him...

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