Another Comic Con

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"Aunt Frida, why are we going to the St. Canard Comic Convention?" Huey asked.

"Because I heard some very awesome people are gonna be there," she said, parking the car. "Also, those costumes look cute! I didn't want to wait for Halloween to use them."

"I feel ridiculous," Louie said.

Louie was dressed as a panda bear, Dewey was dressed as his blue hedgehog character (Frida couldn't quite remember where she had seen the hedgehog character before), and Huey was dressed as Gizmoduck. He had practically thrown off the whole cartoon theme; even Frida was dressed up as some sort of tall dog character in a funny hat.

"Come on, admit you're adorable!" she said, carrying Louie out of the car.

"I might, if you stop carrying me like a baby."

She let Louie walk on his own. It was unusual for him to not want to be carried, but she let it go.

"What 'awesome people' are here, anyway?" Dewey asked.

"A whole bunch."

"What are their names?"

"You wouldn't know them."

Louie rolled his eyes as they walked into the convention center.

Everywhere they looked, there was merchandise of all kinds.

"Hold up, I think I've spotted someone now," Frida said, getting an autograph book out. "You three can wander around, but stay in the convention center. Oi, Doctor, I need your autograph!"

She disappeared from view and the triplets heard a man exclaim; they guessed she must've tackled the dude.

"Let's sit somewhere," Louie said. "I don't feel like walking."

"You never feel like walking," Huey said, frowning. "But, fine."

They walked around, though, as seating was far from their current spot. They heard people saying, "Look at their outfits, they look adorable!"

"I wanna go home," Dewey said, his face ruby-red. "People won't stop looking at us."

He bumped into someone. The person turned around.

"Nice costumes, boys," the person said.

Dewey recognized him immediately; he had met this same man a few months back, when he had gotten lost at another comic convention...

"I love your Gizmoduck costume!" another man said to Huey. "Fenton's a really nice dude, you know."

"How'd you know that his real name was Fenton?" Huey asked.

The second man looked away, instead directing his attention to a third man, who gave Louie a little wave.

"Hey, want a picture together?" Dewey asked the three. "I'm sure our aunt would like it, I'm sure she'd know who you guys are."

Louie brought out his phone from his pocket. The 6 posed and they heard the familiar click of the camera. The Ducks left the scene and immediately bumped into Frida, who was holding her autograph book in one hand and souvenirs in the other.

"Hey, guys, I think we need to go," she said. "I just met the most horrible person in the entire acting world, and I would like to leave before he comes over to insult me again."

Louie showed her the picture he took. Frida looked at it, and then frantically looked around.

"Why'd you guys meet them without me?!" she exclaimed. "Aw, you don't even know who they are."

"Do you?" Dewey asked.

"Uh, they're just...people I know from film and stuff. Come on, let's go home, so I don't have to explain what 4th wall means."

"What's a 4th wall?"

"Just head to the car. Now."

*I'm getting bored and idea-less again...*

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