Phone call

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Frida's phone went off in the middle of breakfast. She answered the call and the caller was met with her cheery voice saying, "Hello, and who might this be?"

As the caller talked, her smile faded. She started looking slightly angry and her hair began transforming into little droplets of water. She finished the call by slamming the phone on the ground, cracking the glass screen.

"Who was that?" Scrooge asked.

"Nobody," she said. "Nobody that matters."

She picked her phone back up and fixed the screen with her magic. Dewey attempted to look over her shoulder to see if she would turn her phone on again, but Frida put her phone away.

"Surely, you knew them," Dewey said. "They must matter."


Frida sighed.

"If you really want to know," she said, "that call was from my mom."

"Your mom?" the triplets exclaimed in unison. Frida had never talked about her side of the family before.

"Yes, my mom. She wants me to go back home for Father's Day. But, I'm not going to; I'm perfectly fine right here."

"Why don't you just call him?" Huey asked.

"I don't have his phone number. And my mom won't give it to me."

"You didn't even talk to her. You said nothing throughout your entire call."

"She wouldn't have listened to me. I haven't had the best relationship with her."

Louie retrieved Frida's phone from her pocket and looked at the phone number from Frida's mom. He proceeded to call this number, and before Frida could stop him, he had already reached her mom.

"Hello, ma'am, would you like to buy a very inexpensive purse?" he asked.

Silence fell as Frida's mom chattered.

"Really? Then, I'll need the phone number of you and anyone else who lives in your household, in case we can't reach you, okay?"

Louie began writing down a phone number on a notepad.

"Sure, sure, very cheap, I'd say 13$, how does that sound? Oh, and I'll also need the address. Thank you!"

Louie let Frida's mom talk for a few seconds more before hanging up. He gave the notepad to Frida.

"That's your dad's number," he said. "Also, you owe your mom a purse."

"You owe her a purse," Frida said, leaving the room and dialing her dad's phone number.

Her dad picked up after a few minutes.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"It's Frida."


"Yeah. Please don't tell Mom about this."

"How'd you get my number, though?"

"My nephew may have talked it out of her by offering her a purse."

"So, she's not getting a purse?"

"I don't know."

"So, why are you calling?"

"I just...I wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Day."

Her dad chuckled.

"It's nice to know that you didn't try to contact us on my birthday."

"I sent you a card. Didn't you get it?"

"I'm kidding."

"Oh, heh...Sometimes, I can never tell if you were joking or not...I kinda miss that."

"You could always visit us."

"Maybe...Well, I gotta go. My nephews will be trying to listen in on our conversation if we keep talking. I love you, Dad."

"I love you, too, sweetness."

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