What happens in the wilderness...

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Dewey and Webby put DJ down on the picnic blanket.

"Now, sit there while Mommy and Daddy set up the food, okay, baby?" Webby said.

DJ just looked up at the trees above her, and gasped. He babbled and pointed to a tree. Dewey turned to look at what he was pointing to.

"It's just a squirrel," Dewey said. "Nothing to worry about."

Dewey and Webby started making sandwiches, while DJ stared at the squirrel in awe. When it had disappeared, he started to crawl away from the blanket. He crawled to a berry bush and pulled off a large clump of berries. He was about to shove the whole thing into his mouth when he saw something big and black approach him.

It was a mother black bear and her two cubs. They began eating from the berry bush, and DJ giggled at the sight of a few new friends. The cubs sniffed him and licked at the berry juice on his hands.

"DJ!" Webby screamed.

Dewey picked up DJ and swatted at the bears. The mother growled at him and stood on her hind legs. She brought a claw down onto Dewey's face.

"Dewey, to the car!"

Dewey ran to the car with DJ. The poor baby cried as he saw his new friends getting further and further away.

The mother bear was following them as they ran to their car. Dewey threw the berries that DJ was holding behind them, and the bear stopped for a few seconds. The family made it to the car and they drove away.

"We should've been watching him better," Webby said, tears in her eyes. "I feel like such a bad parent."

"Yeah. I do, too."

"Are you okay?"

"Kinda. It scratched me, but it doesn't seem too deep."

Webby looked at Dewey's scratch. It wasn't bleeding heavily; it really wasn't all that bad.

"You're lucky," she said. "If it had been any deeper, you'd need stitches or something."

She looked at DJ, who was crying loudly in his baby seat.

"Poor thing must be scared to death. He's lucky they didn't hurt him."

"I know. We really need to keep an eye on him. If we hadn't noticed the bears..."

Webby pulled at her hair, the way she usually did when feeling nervous or ashamed. She didn't want to think about what might have happened between the bears and DJ. It was bad enough that neither of them had kept their eyes on him, like they should've.

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