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Dani sat on her bed, holding a guitar. She had gotten it for her 19th birthday, after she told her dad that she wanted to be a singer when she grew up.

Now, she wasn't so sure; she had been practicing with a microphone, before she got the guitar. She was told she sang beautifully, but she thought she couldn't sing. 

"What's up?" a voice asked.

She looked up to see DJ. He had grown his hair out a bit since they graduated high school 2 years ago, and he wore a nice suit.

"I'm trying to become a singer," Dani said, playing her guitar a little. "But, I don't think I have potential."

DJ grabbed her guitar and played a few notes, humming along.

"You can play?" Dani asked.

"A little, but I think I can sing more than play. My dad taught me how to sing a few songs, and I figure out how to play them by listening to them a billion times."

He started playing a song on the guitar and sang:

I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend

You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in

And if you do not want to see me again

I would understand

Dani started joining in, and she didn't even notice DJ drop out of the singing part; she thought she sounded pretty good. When the song was over, DJ said, "That was pretty good! What do you mean, you have no potential? You're a natural at this!"

Dani blushed a little.

"Do you think we could sing that song again?" she asked. "I like that song."

They played the song over and over again, Dani gaining more confidence as they went on. She didn't stop for anything, not even when Huey began joining into the singing from the other end of the house.

She was going to be a successful singer, with DJ as her guitar player.

*I believe I've said before, but I put in a lot of the songs I'm listening to at the moment of writing into my stories. That song at the top happened to be what I'm listening to.*

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