That picture...

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"And that one's of cousin Gladstone," Della said, pointing to a picture of young Gladstone holding up a clover.

"Is that Uncle Donald in the back?" Dewey asked.

She squinted at the picture.

"By golly, I think it is! I remember now, he had tripped over a rock and fell into the field of dandelions. He scared a few bees and...well, you can guess what happened."

"Ouch. Hey, who's that?"

Dewey pointed to another picture.

"That's Donald."

"It doesn't seem like it," Huey said. "How old was he?"

"We were 16. He had really gotten deep into his grunge phase."

"Hmm...that picture next to it, how old were you guys in that one?"

"About 7."

"Dang, a lot changed in 9 years."

"You know, Donald kind of looked like...Louie," Dewey said.

"He didn't," Louie snapped. "There's no way I look like that."

"Just move your hair in front of your face in a certain fashion," Della said, moving his hair around in a way to match young Donald's.

Dewey grabbed a mirror and gave it to Louie. Now, Louie's hairstyle matched young Donald's. And he hated it; he really didn't want to think that he might grow up to be as boring as Donald.

He fixed his hair and then threw the mirror. Della caught it before it hit the floor.

"What's wrong, Lou? You looked adorable!"

"I looked terrible. Now, leave me alone. I'm going to my room."

Louie went upstairs, and just before he went into his room, he bumped into Donald.

"Hey, Lou--"

"Leave me alone!"

"What did I do?"

" you think I look like you?"

"If you pushed your hair more over your eyes and it was a tad bit longer, yeah. I had something close enough to your hairstyle in my teens. It was pretty common back then. Why you asking?"

"I just...I don't want to look like you."

"Ouch, what did I do to make you feel that way?"

"You were really overprotective. You never let us have any fun. You're literally my least favorite relative."

"Oh...I was only protecting you because I was quite sure Della wouldn't have wanted you three dead from drowning or whatever. I'm sorry if I seemed so boring to you for wanting to keep you safe for Della."

Donald walked away. Louie went into his bedroom and looked at into his mirror. He pushed his hair in front of his face, and smiled a bit.

So what if he looked like Donald? Who even cared what he looked like? He sure didn't.

*Sorry if this sucked. I don't think this came out as well as I wanted.*

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