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Merriam looked at a letter in her hand. At the top, it read:

We're so excited to inform you that you've been accepted to Calisota State University!

"God, CSU," Ariela said. "Like Webby."

"Yeah. I can't believe it. Have you gotten anything back yet?"

"Nothing. Maybe everyone's taking part in a massive brawl and whoever lives gets to say they've accepted me."

Merriam laughed, but deep down, she was worried. Ariela was just as smart as her, and just as good a student. Surely someone wanted her to go to their school?

"I hope you get accepted by someone soon. Classes start soon."

"Pfft, don't worry about it. Worry about yourself, and that thick wad of cash CSU's giving ya."

"It's digital money. They're transferring it to my account."

"Whatever, it's cash."

Merriam suddenly thought of something; Ariela had written essays to apply to colleges around the country. She was less professional and more laid-back in her writing, or anything in general, but she still got things done. Maybe the reason she's not getting because her essays weren't formal enough.

" do you write?"

"With a pencil."

"You know what I mean."

"I write how I always do."

"Maybe that's why no one's accepted you yet. Because you write in an informal matter."

Ariela simply shrugged. Just then, Lena came in, holding a letter that looked very important.

"Ariela, it's for you!" she exclaimed. "And I think you're going to be excited."

Ariela opened her letter and began reading it aloud:

"'Dear Ariela Sabrewing, it's not often that we get someone who's quite as gifted as you are with  writing.' Huh, that's interesting. 'We'd like to inform you that you've been accepted to Hillside Academy for Young Authors and Illustrators. Here, you'll be able to put your writing abilities to use, creating short stories, poems, and other assorted literature. We're excited that you'll soon be a part of our Hillside team. From, Dean Eleanor Duckson.'"

"I've never heard of Hillside," Lena said.

Merriam searched for Hillside on her phone, and was gravely disappointed by the results.

Hillside Academy was on the other side of the state, almost out of Calisota. If Ariela went there, she'd be a long way from home.

"It's on the other side of the state," she said sadly.

"Oh my, Ariela, do you want to go?" Lena asked.

"Do you want me to go?" Ariela asked, beginning to doodle on the back of her acceptance letter.

"I don't know, it's your choice. And if Violet will let you, go ahead."

"I think I want to go. I like writing."

"Okay, then. I'll tell Violet that this is what you want to do."

Lena left the room. Merriam gave Ariela an angry look.

"Why?" she asked.

"What? Is it so bad that I want to go somewhere far away? CSU's not in Duckburg, either."

"At least it's in the town over, not a million miles away."

"Come on, you need to get over it. I'm going, and that's that."

"Unless Mom says no."

"Mom won't say 'no' to education. Besides, Lena said it's okay, and she's basically our second mom. Doesn't her opinion matter?"

Merriam sighed, and dropped the conversation. For one of the few times in her life, she'd be apart from her twin for longer than 10 minutes.

School was starting back up, and it was time for the twins to part ways. Merriam didn't want to let Ariela go, but she knew it would be for the best; Ariela would make a great author.

Ariela was getting ready to drive all the way to her school, when Merriam came out to say goodbye.

"I'll miss you," Merriam said, as she hugged her. "Be sure to call us every once in a while, okay?"

"I will, I promise."

Ariela got into her car and drove off. About an hour later, she had posted pictures on her Twitter about her trip. Merriam saw that each of them ended with the Hillside hashtag and "Wish me luck, especially you, Merriam!"

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