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"I can't believe you're going to be a mom soon," DJ told Dani as they sat on her couch.

"Me, neither. Do you think I'll be good at it?"

"Puh-lease! You'll be awesome at it."

"Are you sure? I haven't exactly had a stellar childhood, not like yours."

"Huh. I forgot about that. Uh, okay, never mind."

Dani frowned and drank some coffee. She suddenly heard Buddy yelling from the nursery, and she and DJ ran in to see what was going on.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Buddy held up their two eggs. They had multiple cracks all over them, and they shook as the ducklings inside were breaking free.

"Oh my god, Buddy, it's happening!" Dani exclaimed, taking one egg in her arms.

Suddenly, both eggs broke open at the same time, and both ducklings cried. They were wrapped in cozy blankets and placed in the crib.

"They're so...tiny," Dani said. "Although, that's probably because they were born a whole month before they were supposed to. They'll be fine, right, DJ?"

"I'm not too sure, to be honest," DJ said, looking at Dani's twins. "Mine weren't as small."

"I'm sure they're fine," Buddy said. "Now, what should we name them?"

"The boy'll be Fergus, after my great-great-grandfather," Dani said, running her fingers through the little boy's hair. "You can name the girl."

"She'll be Amy, after my grandmother."

Buddy picked up Amy. She opened her eyes and gave him a blank stare before looking away. She was put back in the crib and she instantaneously fell asleep.

"We should call the family," Dani said, taking her phone out of her pocket while Buddy left the room to fetch his own phone.

"Hello?" Dani said into the phone as soon as someone picked up. "Hey, you'll never gue--"

She waited for the person to finish talking, but as she waited, her excited smile faded from her face. It was replaced with what appeared to be shock and worry. She hung up, and looked at the babies.

"What's wrong, California?" DJ asked. "You didn't tell them about your twins."

"Do you remember our grandmother? Apparently, she's in the hospital. The doctors told Aunty Frida that something's wrong with her mind."

"Are we going over there?"

"I think we should. Who knows when we'll be able to see her again."

Dani held out Fergus for Frida to hold.

"He's so cute!" she said. "I don't know if he'll end up looking like his namesake, but for all we know, he will."

"Duck family, you may come in," the doctor said, gesturing towards the open door leading to Della's room.

DJ, Frida, Donald, Huey, Dewey, Webby, and Dani(who carried Amy and Fergus) walked in. Della was sitting on a chair and she faced the left-side window which took up an entire wall.

"Grandma, how are you?" Dani asked.

Della looked over at Dani, but her eyes didn't show signs of recognition.

"Do you remember me at all?"

Della stood up, smiled a bit, and awkwardly hugged Dani. She noticed the babies, and said, "They're really...cute. Are they yours?"

"Yeah, they are, Grandma."

"Am I that old?"

"Mom, do you feel okay?" Dewey asked.

"Hey, doctor, could you get this one out of here? I don't know him," Della said.

"Mom, I'm your son."

"Oh. Oh...son...I'm just joking, it's just something funny."

Della started laughing, but it came out as a sort of half-demented half-crying laugh. Dewey looked at Huey worriedly.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, beginning to tear up. "No one's laughing. Did I do something wrong? Ah, spider!"

She ran back to her chair.

"Mom, it's lint," Huey said.

"Oh, I knew that. I was tricking you...uh, whoever you are."

"She really is losing it," Huey whispered to Dewey. "Her memory's bad, and she sounds like she know something's not right in her head and is starting to crack from not telling anyone."

"Should we go?" Dani asked.

"Who are you people?!" Della shrieked, still partially terrified of the 'spider.'

The Duck family simply walked out, except for Dani. She drew up a little 'get well' card and put it on a table before she, too, walked out. Della left her chair and looked at the card.

For a brief moment, all of her memories came flooding back.

"Wait, Dani!" she called out, running to the door.

But, as she reached for the door handle, her memory had become a blank slate once more.

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