Dream (part 2)

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Louie walked into the kitchen. For some odd reason, he felt...off today. Perhaps it was because Anise appeared last night.

"Oi, what are you doing? It's 5 in the morning," a voice said.

Louie just now noticed the pile of blankets on the couch in the living room. It moved and one blanket fell off. Frida was underneath the pile, and she looked even worse right now; her face was covered in red blotches and her cheeks were swollen. 

"Oh, it's just you, Lou."

"Are you okay? You look terrible, Aunt Frida."

"I accidentally ate something with clams in it a few minutes ago. And I'm terribly allergic to shellfish. On top of that, my headache is still hammering at my noggin. Now, why are you up so early? You're usually asleep at 5."

"I couldn't fall back asleep," he lied, pulling a little on the collar of his pajamas.

Frida collapsed back onto the couch and fell back asleep. She usually wouldn't rest when she thought someone was lying, but not today. Her internal lie detector must've not picked up his lie.

Louie left Frida alone; he walked upstairs and sat on his bed. Among the heavy silence of the room was the soft sounds of Huey's breathing, and what appeared to be the sound of her voice.

"Shut up!" he shouted.

Dewey and Huey woke up, and Dewey hit his head on the bottom of Huey's bunk.

"Ow!" he yelped. "Llewellyn, go to sleep!"

"Don't call me that, I don't want to hear it, Anise!"

"I'm not Anise, I'm Dewey...last I checked."

Louie looked up at his brothers, who looked at each other with worried looks.

"Louie, are you feeling okay?" Huey asked. "Is it about Anise?"

"I just..." Louie began, but could he really tell his brothers about this? Well...maybe Huey would understand, but Dewey...

"Anise keeps appearing in my dreams."

"Is that a bad thing?" Dewey asked. "You two loved each other. You were very close, like siblings."

"It is bad. Any time she appears, something bad usually happens. Now that she's...gone, I think she's bad luck. Also, Frida said there's a chance she might've been a Runestone, so she can just appear in my dreams at will."

"That's possible?" Huey asked.

"If you had dream-altering powers when you were alive, yes."

"I don't think she was a Runestone. She would've known about her powers."

"Frida once told me that she didn't know about her own powers until after she married Uncle Donald. Anise might've never known she had powers. Or maybe she did know, and she never told anyone."

"Louie, maybe you should ask Frida to erase your memory of Anise, if she's bothering you so much. Maybe she's just appearing because you still miss her."

"I don't want to...but at the same time, I feel like I need to."

"Then go ask Frida to do so."

Louie went back downstairs to where Frida was buried in blankets. Frida lifted up her head and yawned.

"Who's there?" she asked.

"It's me, Louie.Could you...erase my memories of Anise?"

"Do you really want me to do that?"

Louie nodded. Frida lifted up a hand and put it against his forehead. He closed his eyes, and felt the memories of Anise leaving him, possibly forever.

He went to sleep later that night. In his dream, he sat on a bench among a field of roses. A girl appeared next to him.

"Llewellyn, why did you forget me?" she asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You forgot me. I thought I was your friend."

"I don't know who you are."

Louie felt himself beginning to hyperventilate. Why was this girl bothering him?

"You promised to be my friend," the girl said, crying and whining. "What ever happened to us?"

The girl smacked Louie, and he woke up, breathing heavily.

Maybe she did have magic. Because all the memories of Anise came flooding back into his mind.

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