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"I don't think this is safe," Huey said from his bunk bed.

Dewey and Louie adjusted their position a little.

"Come on, jump," Dewey said. "The pillow's soft."

"Yeah, but I know the force of my fall will make you drop it, and me."

"I won't drop you, I promise."

"Can you please just jump, Hubert?" Louie whined. "'Ottoman Empire' starts in 10 minutes!"

"No, this is dangerous! Completely unsafe! I'm not doing it!"

"Fine, I'll do it and you can hold onto the pillow," Dewey said, climbing up to Huey's bed.

"No, Dewey, you'll hurt yourself."

"No, I won't. I'll be extra careful."

"You're never careful, Dewford, everyone knows that!"

Dewey shoved Huey, making them both lose their balance. The boys fell, with Dewey hitting the floor and Huey landing on top of Louie.

"I think you broke my spine," Louie wheezed. "Or a rib."

"Oh, my head," Huey moaned, standing up. "I don't feel so great."

Dewey was choking on something. Huey patted his back and Dewey coughed up what appeared to be a tooth.

"On the bright side, it was a baby tooth," Huey said, stumbling back.

Della rushed in, and she gasped at the scene of her little boys.

"What did you do?" she asked.

"Shifting into Turbo," Dewey quipped, coughing.

"Dewey wanted me to jump off my bed and onto a pillow," Huey said. "Then, he wanted to take my place, he shoved me, and we both fell."

"Dewey, you can't be doing this kind of stuff," Della said.

"And you can go to the moon and leave your sons behind?" Dewey snapped, coughing some more.


"I'm sorry, I'm...just bored. We haven't gone on any adventures for a while, and it's boring. I just wanted to have fun."

"You know Webby could provide all the fun you want, right?" Louie mumbled, chuckling a bit.

"Shut up, Llewellyn."

Della led the boys to Frida. She examined them to make sure nothing was broken.

"Just bruising, and a lost baby tooth," Frida said, using her magic to heal the boys. "Be careful, okay, boys?"

"We're bored, why would we do that?" Dewey asked.

"Well, Dewford, if you keep getting hurt, you might end up doing something I might not be able to fix."

Dewey was quite sure she was trying to scare him into behaving, but he didn't want to risk dying because Frida's magic might have an Achilles' heel.

"Okay, then."

The boys hugged Frida and left her bedroom. They stayed on their beds, not moving, with Huey reading his JWG, Louie watching shows on his phone, and Dewey wanting to do some sort of dangerous daredevil stunt.

He wasn't known for sitting still; didn't Frida know that?

Maybe he could figure out a way to do something behind everyone's back...

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