Positively real

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Gyro tinkered with his newest project. Fenton kept trying to sneak a look, but he couldn't quite see what was going on. It wasn't until Gyro shouted out "And it's perfect!" that anyone else was able to see what he had been working on.

Gyro appeared to have created another robot, much like Boyd, but unlike him, this one was a young duck.

"You...created another robotic being, I see," Fenton said.

"Yes, I have. And this one hasn't been tampered with by Akita."

Gyro booted up the new robot, who immediately looked up at Fenton for a few seconds, then began speaking in a foreign language.

"I don't understand," Fenton said.

Gyro knocked the robot on the head with a hammer. It shook its head and looked at its surroundings.

"Where am I?" it asked, clearly frightened.

"You're just in a laboratory," Gyro said. "I built you."

Just then, Scrooge walked in with Frida. He had been talking to her about something, but he stopped talking when he noticed Gyro's newest creation.

"Gyro, what is this?" he asked.

Frida approached the robot, who hid its face in its hands.

"He's just something I wanted to build for Boyd," Gyro said. "Boyd needs a few robot friends, but just this one. I don't want a whole army of them trying to bring down Duckburg."

"He looks very real," Frida said, picking up the duckling. "Impressive."

"Maybe you could take him over to Boyd for me," Gyro said. "He lives somewhere not far from here."

Frida carried the duckling out. She went into the mansion, hoping the boys could keep him company while she went out to find this Boyd character.

"He does seem life-like," Huey said, examining the duckling. "Yeah, he is kinda like Boyd."

The duckling seemed to stare off into space for a second before he said, "Does this Boyd happen to be 2-BO, created by a Gyro Gearloose in Tokyolk, Japan? Because that's what I'm getting."

"He's a living computer," Louie said. "Okay, then, smartie, what's 257 divided by 36?"


Louie checked his phone.

"Yeah, he's right. Guess I don't need a phone anymore, unless he can't play videos."

Suddenly, the duckling was hyperventilating and smoke filled the room.

"What's going on?" Dewey coughed.

Huey fanned the smoke out of his watering eyes and ran out of the room. He returned with a fire extinguisher. He blasted the robo-duck with a jet of foam, and he immediately calmed down.

"Sorry about that," the duckling said. "I believe I was overheating."

"That's okay," Huey said. "Just warn us next time."


"We should probably do something that doesn't involve too much."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Louie said. "Not moving is great. What say you...uh, new guy?"

"He needs an actual name for now," Dewey said. "What about Dewey 2?"

"No," his brothers said in unison.



"How about Phooey? He looks like he'd be about our age, and he's a duck. He looks like a Phooey."

A little pixie came out from underneath Huey's hat and squeaked as though he were a little annoyed.

"Come on, there can be two Phooeys, can't there?" Huey told the pixie. "Besides, he won't be here for very long."

The pixie Phooey retreated back under the hat. The robot Phooey smiled a bit, knowing that he had gotten a real name to be called by.

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