Snowed in

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Frida walked downstairs, holding a half-sleeping Huey. She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"This just in, a blizzard on its way to Calisota," the news anchor said. "Meteorologists have predicted at least 4 feet of snow."

"Oh my," Frida said.

"Did he say a blizzard?" Huey muttered sleepily.

"He did. My first blizzard ever."

"You've never had a blizzard in your hometown?"

"I lived in a desert, I saw snow about 3 times in my life over there."

She picked up Huey and walked up to Scrooge's bedroom. Scrooge was listening to an old radio.

"Did you hear about the blizzard?" he asked.

"Yeah, they mentioned it on the news. Are we going to be snowed in?"

"Most likely. Blizzards always end up having so much snow that it blocks all the doors. So, unless we're going outside through the windows up here, we're gonna have to stay put."

"It'll get cold in here, won't it, Uncle Scrooge?" Huey asked.

"Nonsense, lad. As long as the power stays on despite the snow, we should be okay."

The next day, snow had piled high and blocked the doors and windows on the first floor of the manor. Not only that, but freezing rain had fallen in the night, knocking out the power.

Frida went into the boys' room, carrying dozens of blankets for them. She had found the boys huddled up in the corner.

"Dewey, you're hogging the cover," Louie complained.

"You're hogging it."

"Boys, chill ou--er, never mind," Frida said, wrapping them up in blankets. "Just get nice and warm in these."

She put her hand against each of their foreheads; they must've been huddled up in this corner trying to get warm for a few hours, and they might've caught colds or something.

"You guys seem all right, body temperature wise."

She sat with the boys and used her magic to warm herself up. Heat radiated from her feathers and the boys cuddled up close to her.

"I think you could do this, too, Huey," she said.

Huey attempted to use magic, but he had very few powers; and it seemed that aura warming wasn't one of them.

"Never mind," Frida said, bringing Huey closer to her.

The four of them stayed nice and warm in that corner for the rest of the day.

*Help, I'm running out of ideas...*

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