He's falling in love

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"I just don't think I'm ready to be a junior," DJ said, as his parents drove him and Dani to school. "It's only a matter of time before we're expected to go to college, get jobs, have babies. All that."

"You're not expected to have kids," Dani said. "You can choose to have kids, if you really want to."

"I know I'm not having kids. Maybe I'll get a dog or something."

"How about a pet hedgehog?" Dewey quipped.

"That wasn't funny, Dad."

"How about a turtle?"


Dewey had to keep himself from bursting out laughing; his son didn't get his reference.

"I don't want to graduate," DJ whined. "I don't want things to get harder."

"God, you sound like Louie," Webby said.

"That much?"

"Kinda. Anyway, you need to get out. We're at school."

DJ opened the door and stepped out. Dani followed close behind. He looked up sadly at a banner that read 'Welcome back, classes of '49, '50, '51!'

"Ugh, I'm done with school."

"You think you've got problems? I'm doing way more work than you. I'm in the advanced classes, remember?" Dani said.

"Pshaw, we're still at the same grade le--"

His focus drifted from the sentence and Dani. His eyes had spotted a girl about his age getting out of a car that matched his jacket color. She had waist-length white hair with a jewel scrunchie tightened around the second-to-last inch of it. She was very beautiful.

"DJ, what's wrong?" Dani asked, waving her hand in front of his face. "DJ?!"


"Is something wrong?"


Dani looked in the direction DJ was looking in. Some girl was walking towards them.

"Do you guys know where Mr. Humphreys' class is?" she asked.

"Huh?" DJ asked, still frozen in his spot.

"I have Humphreys," Dani said. "I could walk with you to his classroom."

"Could I walk with you?"

"You don't have Humphreys."

"Still, it's on the way to my class."

"Oh, I see what's going on. You like this girl."

"What? No."

Dani rolled her eyes and led the girl to their class. DJ followed them, with an expression that suggested he was daydreaming. In fact, he bumped into a few walls as he was walking.

They had finally arrived at Mr. Humphreys' class.

"DJ, go to your class," Dani said. "You'll see your princess at lunch."

DJ blushed and left hurriedly.

"It sounds like you're in love with this new girl," Buddy said to DJ.

"Yeah. Is that bad?"

"If you decide to try to open the gate, yeah."

"What does that mean?"

"You know...we learned about how babies are made in Health class two years back..."

"What?! No! I'm not having kids with her. The Deweys stop with me."

"You sure?"

"Well...maybe I've been daydreaming a bit..."

"Ugh, you sick frick. You think about this stuff?"

"No, just us kissing. I wonder if she's a great kisser. I bet it'll be heaven."

"Or, it'll match the experience your uncle Huey had with that giant worm; 'the worst thing I've ever done. Horrible. I felt like puking the whole time.'"

"I'm sure I'll be fine."

Dani came over to them with the girl.

"Hi, you two. So, this is Day Rosetta. She's new to Duckburg, and we're now best friends."

DJ sighed dreamily as he looked at Day. He just realized she had the most beautiful eyes...

"Earth to D-DJ, stop st-staring at Day," Dani said, glitching slightly as she was annoyed. "That's rude."

"Day Rosetta, I love you," he blurted out.

Day blushed.

"Am I really that appealing to you?" she asked. "I thought you might think I was a nerd."

"Why would I think that?"

"Well...I'm like Dani. I'm extremely smart, I love books, I skipped a grade, I take honors classes."

"That doesn't matter to me. I still love you."

Day whispered something to Dani.

"Day's gotta head out. She's got...important work to do. Projects and such."

Day left, but blew a kiss to DJ as she departed.

"Yup, she's the one," he said.

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