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Huey woke up to the sounds of his brothers arguing. He lifted up his head and saw them shouting at each other over what appeared to be a tablet.

"Guys, stop fighting," he said.

"Louie keeps hogging the tablet," Dewey said.

"My phone's dead, what am I supposed to do?" Louie said.

"Just...stop, please," Huey said. "Louie, you can borrow my tablet. Just don't break it, okay?"

Louie grabbed Huey's tablet and left the room.

"Why do you fight over such things?" Huey mumbled.


"Nothing. Just forget it."

"No, I want you to tell me."

"Forget it!"

Huey stomped out of the room. On his way downstairs, he bumped into Louie. He hid something behind his back.

"What's that?" Huey asked. "What'd you just hide?"


"Give it to me."

"I don't have anything!"

Huey grabbed Louie's left arm and looked at what was in his hands. All he saw was tangled wires, broken chips, and part of a cracked obsidian-black screen.

"I dropped it," Louie said. "It cracked, but I don't know how it got broken in half."

Huey yanked the pieces of his tablet out of Louie's hands. He breathed heavily as he examined the bits. It looked as though it had been thrown from a high height or just flat-out ripped in half. Whatever Louie had done to it, it couldn't be repaired.

"Why did you do this?" he asked. "I told you to be careful with it, you know that!"

"Scrooge is rich, you could get a new one. Besides, it wasn't my fault it broke in half."

Huey didn't look convinced.

"Okay, so I may have gotten a bit angry at it. You have parental controls on there, and I can't watch anything with even a bit of violence. I can't even watch Ottoman Empire, because Randy once got hit with an ottoman by a client."

"That doesn't give you the right to break my tablet!" Huey yelled.

Suddenly, his hands glowed and a wave of energy emitted from them. The temperature in the mansion was raised by at least 30 degrees.

"Whoa, Hubert, what'd you do?" Louie panted as he pulled at his hoodie collar.

Huey turned his back to him and walked into their bedroom. He climbed up to his bed, turned away from everyone, and crossed his arms.

"What's going on?" Frida shouted as she ran into the room, sweating and panting.

"Huey made the mansion hotter," Louie said, fanning himself.


"I accidentally broke his tablet."

"Where is it?"

Louie picked up the pieces of the broken tablet.

"Oh dear, that's quite a bit of damage," Frida said, holding the pieces. "I could fix it, unless little bits are missing. But, I suppose I could search for any missing things. Now, Huey, could you turn down the heat?"

"No, not until Louie apologizes," he said.

"Can't you do something about it?" Louie asked Frida.

"No, he did this. Only he can fix it."

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? Now, could you stop making us boil?"

"Do you mean it?" Huey asked.

"Mean what?"

"Your apology. Do you really mean it?"

"Yes, yes, whatever, now turn off the heat!"

"I don't believe you."

"Ugh, Hubert, you're being mighty difficult."

"I wonder how hot this place could get," Huey wondered aloud.

"Please, Huey, turn the heat down. I really mean what I said. And, if it'll make you feel any better, I'll never touch your tablet again."

Huey thought for a second, then waved his hand in the air. The temperature in the mansion slowly started to return to normal.

"Remember your promise," Huey said, getting off his bed.

He and Frida left the room to find any missing pieces of his tablet. Meanwhile, Louie decided to stay far away from Huey from now on.

The kid was considered dangerous now in his book...

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