Dewdrops on the window

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*Yes, I moved the story over here, because it was only a one-part one-shot.*

While the rest of the family was out adventuring, Frida had stayed behind to care for Dewey. He had claimed that he wasn't feeling well, and she wanted to check him for a fever. She was on her way to his room when the natural light stopped spilling into the mansion. Clouds covered the sun, and rain hit the window. Loud claps of thunder were heard, and Dewey yelped.

"Dewey, it's okay," Frida said, rushing into his room. "You're fine, sweetheart."

Frida had been around for a while, and she had developed this motherly way of dealing with the triplets. She even called them "sweetheart" or "baby" as if they were her own kids.

She held Dewey in her arms, feeling his warmth. She stuck the thermometer in his mouth and waited. A beep sounded, and she removed it.

"102.1," Frida said. "You're sick, all right. My poor little Dewdrop."

"Aunt Frida, can you cover me up? I'm cold."

Another boom from the thunder resonated throughout the mansion. Dewey leaped from Frida's grasp and hid under his covers. She picked him up, along with his blankets, and carried him to the living room. She turned on the TV and turned the volume up, hoping it would drown out the sound of the thunder and keep Dewey calm.

Dewey uncovered himself, clearly feeling hot. He cuddled up next to Frida, wrapping his arms around her. Frida flipped through the channels, trying to find something to watch.

"How about Darkwing Duck?" she asked.

"Not feeling it."

"Ottoman Empire?"


"Parks and Recreation?"

"I don't even know what that is."

Suddenly, the power went out. Dewey held onto Frida for dear life. She waved her hand and cool blue lights appeared around them. Frida stroked Dewey's hair, calming him down.

"I love you, Aunt Frida," he whispered.

Her phone went off, making him jump. She answered it, and Scrooge was on the other end.

"How are you doing, lass?"

"The power went out, Dewey's a little jumpy...but other than that, we're fine."

"Oh, maybe we should--Back, you foul creature, back! Sorry, in the middle of something here. Frida, we're heading back home now."

"You don't need to, we'll be fine."

"You sure?"


Scrooge hung up, obviously dealing with something more important at the moment.

Dewey coughed and Frida checked on his fever again.

"103.2, you're burning up, Dew."

"Will I be okay?"

"Yes, you'll be fine."

Frida's hands lit up again, and she hugged Dewey. He could feel her magic running through him, keeping his fever from rising. He felt calm and safe.

Dewey had fallen asleep, and woke up when he heard Frida's humming. She noticed he was awake now and checked his temperature.

"98.7. You're perfectly fine now."

Dewey hugged her. Wasn't he lucky to have such a loving aunt?

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