Picture perfect

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Donald had been trying to get the boys to sit long enough to get a picture of them. The problem was that they were just too small, and Dewey was especially impatient.

He now sat with them in the park, trying to get them to stay still. He hoped they would, although it was unlikely.

"They're not even 1 yet," the photographer, a lady named Catherine, said. "You shouldn't be trying to get them to sit still. Just let them live in the moment, and I'll capture it."

"It's gotta be perfect," Donald said. "Absolutely perfect."

Huey tilted his head to the side as he sucked on his pacifier. The poor baby looked very confused.

"I've got an idea," Catherine said. "How about you let them run amok and I'll photograph them at their cutest moment?"

"No," Donald said, picking up Dewey and sitting down with the duckling in his lap. "Okay, I think we're good."

Dewey sneezed, causing his pacifier to fall out of his mouth. He cried loudly.

"Dewford Duck, you little..." Donald muttered, reaching into his pocket to get another pacifier.

Louie, who was sitting on Donald's left side, took his own pacifier out of his mouth, threw it, and began crying.

"Llewellyn Duck, you're just as bad," Donald shouted. "Can't you kids be calm for 5 minutes?!"

"You don't yell at your own kids, bloody hell!" Catherine shouted. "What kind of parent are you?"

Donald shoved new pacifiers into Louie and Dewey's mouths, calming them down instantly. Catherine took a photo of the family and showed it to Donald.

"Seems okay, except...Huey's missing," he exclaimed, searching for the eldest triplet. "Huey? Where'd you go, baby?"

He spotted the little duckling hiding under a blanket he had brought as a prop. He picked up Huey, and the baby looked up at him with watery eyes.

"Huey, baby, it's okay," Donald said, hugging him.

Dewey stood up, using Donald as support, and also hugged his older brother. Louie noticed this, and hesitantly joined the hug, too.

Catherine took another picture of the family. Donald called it 'the perfect photo, without a doubt.'

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