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*If Webby was half-Runestone, instead of Huey...*

Webby couldn't pay attention to what Beakley was telling her: Dewey stood behind her, making funny faces. She just loved him so much...

"Webby, stop looking behind me."

"I'm sorry, it's just that Dewey's behind you, and he's making me laugh," Webby said, giggling.

Beakley looked behind her.

"There's no one there."

"But, Dewey's right there. He's not hidden or anything, just look!"

Beakley looked worriedly at her granddaughter. Webby wasn't okay, something was seriously wrong with her head.

"Webby, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"No...no reason. Just go up to your room."

Webby did as she was told, and Dewey followed her. He sat next to her.

"Why can't she see you?" she asked.

"I don't know. I think she assumes we're a couple and she wants to ignore me. I hope nothing bad happens to us."

"I hope you're right. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

She was about to give Dewey a kiss, but she heard something crash downstairs.

"What was that?"

She ran downstairs and noticed Louie was standing, speechless, next to a broken vase.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well, Huey hid my phone in that vase, and Dewey got it back for me...but he broke it. What am I going to do?"

"Huey broke the vase?"

"No, Dewey did."

"But, Dewey's standing right next to me."

Louie looked around her, and saw no one.

"Dewey ran that way, and Huey ran after him. There's no one here other than you and me."

"But, he's here! Say 'hi,' Dewey, show him you're here."

Dewey waved at him, but Louie shook his head. Webby had absolutely no idea why Louie refused to believe Dewey was right there.

"You'll never take me alive!" a voice yelled.

Dewey ran in, holding Louie's phone above his head, while Huey chased him. The duo tripped and fell to the ground, the phone flying out of Dewey's hand into the remains of the flower vase.

"Dewey?" Webby asked. "But, then, who's this?"

The first Dewey shrugged, while the floor Dewey stood up.

"What do you mean? There's only one me. Are you okay?"

She shook her head. Both Deweys tried putting their hand on each of her shoulders.

"Don't touch me!" she shrieked. "Don't either of you dare!"

"Webby, there's only me," both Deweys said in unison. "Please don't be upset."

Webby ran back upstairs to her room. She slammed the door and locked it. Suddenly, voices began to fill the room. Her heart pounded in her chest as the room began to fade out into an open black abyss. What was happening?

Just as quickly as it had started, it stopped; someone had knocked on the door and broken the spell. Webby opened the door with shaking hands, and a young woman walked in.

"Hello, Webby, I'm Frida, your grandmother told me to come here. She told me something might be wrong with your head."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"She says you saw someone who wasn't really there?"


"Webby, I want to help you. I think...you might actually have magic, powerful magic that's making you hallucinate because you can't control it very well."

Frida placed a hand against Webby's forehead, and Frida's hand glowed with a shimmering blue aura.

"I'm picking up your magical aura. You have the ability to create hallucinations, read minds, transform into a mer-duck, and alter memories. But, this is only with practice, of course. Otherwise, you'll just be making yourself sound crazy. Now, will you let me help you out a little?"

Webby nodded. Anything to get rid of those awful illusions she was dealing with. Sure, the Dewey one wasn't as bad, but the voices and the pitch-black room...it was the stuff of nightmares.

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