Sing me to sleep

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*I love this song...*

Dewey couldn't fall asleep one night. He was uncomfortable in his bed, always too hot or too cold.

He got out of bed, hoping Frida was still awake. He went into her room to find her sleeping at her desk. He gently poked her.

"Aunt Frida, I can't sleep."

Frida lifted up her head and looked at Dewey. Most of her hair was pushed to one side.

"Dew, what are you doing?"

"I can't sleep."

"Why not? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No, I'm just uncomfortable. I'm either too hot or too cold."

Frida stood up and picked up Dewey. She carried him to be her bed and her hands began to glow. She started to sing a song Dewey had never heard before, but the way she sang it made it sound like a lullaby.

Dewey slowly grew drowsier until he fell asleep in her arms. Frida then carried him back to his room and laid him down on his bed. He twitched a little, but remained asleep.

Frida looked at the other boys and sighed. These three sweet little boys were like her own children, and she liked that.

*Very short, but I'm just running out of ideas again...*

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