The sleepover

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"Lena! Violet!" Webby exclaimed when she opened the front door to see her best friends standing outside. "You came!"

"Of course we did, Pink," Lena said, hugging her. "Now, what say we watch a movie tonight? I was thinking we could watch a horror movie, just us girls."

"Yes! Except...the boys are also taking part in this sleepover?"

"Oh. Okay, then, I guess the boys could join us, too. No biggie."

They went upstairs to find Frida was giving the boys hot cocoa.

"Hey, Webby, do you and your friends want some hot cocoa?" she asked upon noticing the girls. "It's really good."

Webby and Violet took a cup, but Lena declined. She detected Frida's magical aura, and it gave her an uneasy feeling. She felt a little queasy being near her.

Frida, thankfully, left the room.

"Okay, so what should we do?" Lena asked. "Oh, let's watch that scary movie I mentioned!"

"I don't think that's a very good idea," Huey said. "Louie might get easily frightened."

"You're a liar," Louie muttered, although his expression said otherwise.

Frida returned to the room, carrying a box.

"Hey, guys, thought you might want to do something together," she said, sitting in a beanbag chair. "So, I brought in a board game we could play."

"No, thanks, we're fine," Lena said, pushing her out.

"Lena, let her stay," Webby said. "She's not doing anything wrong, and she's loads of fun."

Frida went back to her beanbag chair and opened up her board game. Huey looked at the box.

"Aunt Frida, this is a Runestone board game. Are you sure we should be playing it?"

"It's fine. The most magical thing anyone'll have to do is cast spells or use potions with their characters. It's not too hard to do."

Frida set up the board and each kid, except Lena, chose a character from the collection to play as.

"Lena, aren't you going to play?" Webby asked.

"No, I'm...feeling a bit tired," she said, feigning a yawn. "I think I'll go to sleep."

As the game went on, Lena could hear the sounds of excited shouts, chatter, and the occasional breaking of glass or casting of a spell. It sounded like a lot of fun, but she figured this game was a trap meant to lure the kids to their doom.

"You rolled a six, Dewey," Frida said. "You can now use your most powerful spell to defeat the Mountain Crystal Rat on your square and move on."

Lena tried to actually fall asleep now, but she kept hearing their voices, and something else. Was Frida speaking telepathically? Were her thoughts being projected out into the abyss of mental thought where no one else could hear?

It's almost time, another voice said. Almost...

Shut up, thought Lena.

Soon, it shall be time.

For what?

You'll know when it's time...

Lena mentally blocked out the voice for now. No doubt that the other voice had been Frida's inner voice.

She knew this might not go well with Webby and Violet, but she figured she would have to kill Frida before whatever was going to happen.

"Okay, in order to defeat the evil sorcerer and his army of Splinks is for each of us to roll anything higher than a four. If anyone rolls anything lower, their character is knocked out. It'll take 10 hits to defeat him, so this might be kinda easy," Frida explained when all their characters had landed on the final space.

Dewey went first and rolled a three. The virtual furry Splinks attacked his mage and he was knocked out.

"Darn, sorry, Roger," Dewey said, picking up his knocked out character.

Frida froze as she was about to roll. Something felt off.

"What's wrong, Frida?" Huey asked.

As he was sitting across from her, he saw Lena behind Frida, wielding a sharp diamond dagger.

"No, Lena!" he shouted, and he held out his hands.

Frida turned around and saw that Lena was being kept back by a shield of fire.

"Lena, what's wrong with you?" Webby asked.

"She's planning on killing us all!" Lena yelled. "I could hear her thoughts."

"Lena, what exactly did you hear?" Frida asked.

"'Soon, it shall be time.' Time for what, might I ask?!"

"Lena, I think you heard the thoughts of our sorcerer character. He commits to his part very well."

Frida picked up the little sorcerer character on their board game. He squeaked cheerily, then did his evil laugh, which was really the mimicking of someone else's evil laugh.

"It's been said that they could also speak telepathically with one another and certain Runestones, but your magic must be strong enough to pick it up."

"So, you're not planning on killing anyone?"

"Heck, no. Why would I do that? I've got a loving family who would severely disappointed if I did something like that. And I've had enough of people being disappointed in me."

"You're not evil."

"No. But, if you're uncomfortable being around me, I could leave."

"Aw, please don't go, Frida," Dewey whined.

"You guys should go to sleep, anyway. It's almost 10."

Frida left the room, and the kids got into their sleeping bags. Lena turned off the light with her magic.

"Hey, Pink, you don't hate me, do you?" she asked Webby.

"No, why would I?"

"I tried killing your aunt."

"It was bound to happen. Scrooge didn't feel safe around her, either, when they first met. She's been with us for quite a while. If she wanted to kill us, she probably would've done it by now."

"What about me? I tried getting rid of Scrooge, remember?"

"Yeah, but you're good now. And he trusts you. You just have to get used to Frida so she doesn't make you uncomfortable."

Webby began to drift off to sleep. However, no matter what she had told her, Lena didn't think Frida would ever make her feel okay. She figured Frida might have some sort of dark secret hanging around in her past...

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