Whatever happened to Lily Persona?

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Lily could only hear the sound of a gunshot and a thud onto the stone pavement from her hiding spot. Had Emmett gotten a gun, or had Scrooge...?

She heard someone approach her hiding spot and she froze. The next thing she knew, she was face-to-face with Scrooge McDuck.

"Well, if it isn't Ms. Lily Persona," he said, aiming his gun at her and pulling her out of her hiding spot. "Or should I call you by one of your other names?"

"Where's Emmett?" she asked.

"He won't be doing any more crimes, if you really want to know."

On the pavement was Emmett. A bullet hole was visible on his chest, and he didn't appear to be breathing. The policemen were searching his pockets and one gave Scrooge a small box filled with bloodied jewelry. On top of the jewelry sat Della's ID.

"You killed him!" Lily shouted, trying to break out of Scrooge's grip. "You son of a b****, you killed him!"

"Should we shoot her?" someone asked Scrooge.

"She wasn't as great a criminal as Emmett. She can live knowing he didn't."

Lily grabbed Scrooge's gun and aimed it at him.

"I f***ing hate you, you b******!" she screamed. "You killed my best friend!"

"Calm down, lass," Scrooge said. "No need for that."

The policemen readied their guns, in case they needed to shoot down Lily. She aimed the gun at them and they jumped back.

"No one, and I mean no one, kills my friend and doesn't pay the price! No one!"


Lily blinked away heavy tears and her hands shook.

"Just call me Ava Ethel-Marie Summers," Lily whispered.

She brought the gun up to her own head and pulled the trigger. What was the point in living if her only friend was gone?

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