I've only seen you once...

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Back when you were but a babe

I looked into your blue eyes

That matched mine

However, you were taken away

And that made me cry

For days on end

At last, I had to accept

That though you were gone

We might not be separated for long

Perhaps I could see you once more

When you're taller and older

You might not recognize me

But that's okay

Because I'll know you'll believe me

When I say

"Hey, daughter."

Louie looked up into the night sky, and let the tears he had built up finally fall from his face. He couldn't keep them back; how could he if he was thinking of his surviving daughter?

He didn't even know her name, or if she still lived with Fey somewhere in Duckburg. He only ever saw her once, on the day she hatched.

His one and only daughter...gone forever...

"Louie, are you feeling okay?" a voice behind him asked.

Louie turned around and noticed Dewey and Webby's kid, DJ.

"Call me Uncle Louie."

"Pfft, nah. So, why are you upset?"

"What would you know? You're only 10."

"I'm 15, actually. And I should know enough about your problem."

"Well...nobody else really knows about this, but...I had a girlfriend named Fey. And we had two kids, although one of them didn't hatch at all. And Fey took the surviving twin with her...far away from me. I don't even know my own daughter's name."

Louie broke down, sobbing. His great big tears fell from his face like twin waterfalls.

"You know...I was good to Fey. Really, I think I did well. I comforted her when she was upset, never cheated, took care of the eggs...And she just left me."

"Hmm...I guess you were right. I really don't know how to fix this...Well, maybe...I don't know..."

"What? What is it?"

"Maybe you could search around Duckburg for Fey, see if she's still here. If not, then you can try to get friends around the globe to help you search for her. Assuming Fey didn't get rid of your child, you'll probably find your daughter, too."

"DJ, you're a frickin' genius! I don't know why I didn't think of that before! Thanks!"

Louie ran off, to search for his daughter. Maybe Fey would take him back, so they could be a family again.

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