Violet is blue... (Roses are red, part 2)

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Violet watched Huey walk away from him, and she felt tears fill her eyes.

No, she wasn't dumped by him. She had dumped him.

For the past few years, they had grown attached to each other, almost inseparable. Then, she was accepted to Calisota State, and he would be forced to stay in Duckburg, for Violet was two years older than him. He was freaking out, worrying about their relationship.

As the day to leave drew nearer, Huey seemed determined to keep the relationship strong. However, Violet felt

Their relationship couldn't survive the long-distance situation. He might cheat on her, or she might cheat.

So, today, she told him she didn't love him anymore; it wasn't necessarily the truth, but she had to do it.

Huey had looked shocked for a second before tears fell from his face and he walked away from her, sobbing loudly. It broke her heart that she had hurt her friend in this way.

On the day she was leaving Duckburg, she called him to see how he was faring. He never picked up his phone, so she decided to head to McDuck Manor herself. She knocked on the door, and Dewey answered it.

"What is it, Violet?" he asked.

"Is Huey home?"

"He's locked himself in our room. When he came back home a few days ago, he took out all the ice cream and locked himself in there with it. He seemed really upset."

"Could I talk to him?"

"Try it. We couldn't get him out of there."

Violet went with Dewey to their bedroom. She knocked on that door.

"Huey, could we please talk?" she asked.

"Go away."

"No, not until we talk."

Huey opened the door. His blue eyes swam with tears, and he looked a bit green in the face, probably from so much ice cream.

"Huey, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. It's just that I don't think our relationship will work if I'm so far away. You might cheat on me, or I could cheat on you. Anything could happen."

"I don't forgive you," Huey said, hiccuping a little. "You broke my heart."

"It hurt me as much as it hurt you, Huey. I still like you, and we could still be friends."

"I would like that...but I would like you to be mine even more."

"Huey, just let it go. We'll be friends, best friends. Just not boyfriend and girlfriend, okay? I won't ever stop being your friend. I'll even call you every now and then, just you."

Huey shook his head and closed the door. Violet and Dewey could hear him crying and occasionally mumbling something.

"Why'd you break him?" Dewey asked.

"Well, sorry," Violet snapped. "I just hoped he'd willing to let go of me so he wouldn't do something crazy to keep me from going to college."

She stomped out of the mansion, but as soon as she left, she broke down crying.

Maybe she should just...never love anyone like that again. It hurt too much.

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