You're my hero

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"The Duck Avenger leaps from building to building, searching for evil lurking around any corner," I narrated aloud. "He suddenly spies...a Beagle Boy!"

"Why the narration, might I ask?" One asked.

"I'm bored," I told him, checking out the Beagle Boy, who might have actually been sleeping on the side of the road. "What say I poke him?"

"You might aggravate him."

"Pfft, so what?"

I jumped down to the ground, and I stood beside the Beagle Boy. He wasn't really sleeping, per say, just knocked out.

"I bet Gizmo beat me to it. I think he was knocked out recently."

"Oh, well. Crime fighting another day, Duck Avenger?"

"Hang on, I think I hear something."

I listened really closely, and heard the sound of my dear wife's voice. What was she doing outside right now?

I walked toward the sound, and saw Frida with her hands tied behind her back. Then, it hit me that this time was her odd Runestone holiday, the one where she couldn't use magic for an entire month. She was in trouble.

Standing not too far from her was an unconscious Gizmoduck and a Beagle Boy trying to talk something out of her. I slowly approached them, making sure the Beagle Boy didn't notice me.

"Just get me into McDuck Manor, and I'll let you go," he said.

"I told you, I don't know how, you've got me mistaken for someone else," Frida cried.

"I'm quite sure I'm never mistaken."

The Beagle Boy was about to whack Frida upside the head, but I gave him a blast from my bradionic paralyzer, and he was immediately frozen. I untied Frida, and she hugged me.

"Thanks," she said. "You arrived in the nick of time."

She was about to give me a kiss, but I pushed her away; if I was supposed to pretend to be a different person than Donald Duck, then I really had to sell it.

"Hold up, don't even dare. Because I know who you are. You're my friend's wife."

"Why do you have a hat similar to his, then?"

"He...he gave it to me, a while ago."

" just really look like Donald. Only the voice is off. He's got this cute, angry, little quacky voice, and you sound like Paulsen."


"Never mind. I'd better go. See you later, my hero."

She caught me off-guard and gave me a quick kiss before she walked away.

*Sorry if this sucked, I only have one PK comic for reference, really, but I think I did okay...*

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