Aidan Turner #2

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You and Aidan had a month of difference, he was born on June 19 and you were born on July 19. Aidan was your boyfriend since five years. You both were 19. You and Aidan had sex two months ago and you started to felt sick two weeks ago. You had tummy aches, head ache and you were always throwing up. You asks your friend to get you a pregnancy test just to make sure. Aidan wasn't there today so you could be alone. After your friend gave you the test, she left since she had things to do. You went to the bathroom and did the test. You waited five minutes and look at it


You fall on the ground. You couldn't believe it. ' That can't be true ' you though. You were now crying and you didn't heard the door closes.

[Aidan's POV]

As I enter the flat I had with my girlfriend, I heard her crying. I followed the cries and knock on the bathroom door " Love ? What's wrong ". Since she answers nothing, I got worried and enters. She was crying in the bath. I saw a little stick on the ground but I didn't looked at it more " Hun, what's wrong, you can tell me " " You'll hate me if I do " she says. " Come on love, you know I'll never be able to hate you ". She sighs and talk " I'm pregnant " she simply says, not looking at me. I smiles and take her chin in my hand " Love that's amazing ! " " We're only 19... We're to young ! " " I don't mind, we will have this baby and we will love him ! " I tell her. She smiles and kiss me.

[7 months later] [Your POV]

You just gave birth to you son Alexi. He was looking like Aidan a lot, which you didn't complain. He was really pretty and you and Aidan were happy to be parents.

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